1. For our first discussion, I will engage you with an age-old discussion on whether photography is art or documentation. This was a strong debate among scholars since the invention of photography, wh

1. For our first discussion, I will engage you with an age-old discussion on whether photography is art or documentation. This was a strong debate among scholars since the invention of photography, where two competing schools of thought emerged, and there was mostly an agreement within the community circa 1980… but in some sectors, the debate still continues today.

The question here is what do you think?

2. For our second discussion, we will do an imaginative exercise. I want you to consider the below scenario, and write a few sentences about the below inquiry areas:

·         Scenario: Imagine a world without photography, smartphones, and social media.

·         Does this impact how you relate to others? How? In this world, what do you feel about yourself? Is it different than what you think about yourself today & in what way?

·         In this world, how will you know what you look like?

·         Without photography, what options will a family have to preserve their family history?