1) Perform the necessary statistical tests to support or reject your hypotheses. Provide the statistical output (parameter estimates from the summary command, and/or ANOVA table), and explain how

1)      Perform the necessary statistical tests to support or reject your hypotheses. Provide the statistical output (parameter estimates from the summary command, and/or ANOVA table), and explain how you decided to reject or support your hypotheses based on these results.

5 points – are the necessary statistical outputs included (estimate, standard error, R2, P value)

5 points – are the results interpreted accurately and completely. Answer should go beyond a simple statement of “significant” or “not significant” -explain what this means with respect to your hypothesis

2)      Provide a graph or other visualization that helps interpret your statistical results.

5 points

3)      Evaluate whether your model meets the assumptions of your statistical test, and provide the graphs (residual vs. fitted values and either the normal Q-Q plot or histogram of residuals) to back up your evaluation

5 points – are the necessary graphs present? Interpreted correctly?