1. The Importance of High Quality Materials Article Review Power Point JUST COMPLETE INFORMATION TO PUT ON SLIDE 5. THE REST ARE ALREADY DONE. THANKS Teachers desire great instructional material

1.      The Importance of High Quality Materials Article Review Power Point


Teachers desire great instructional materials that get students excited to learn. Below is a list of studies, reports, and briefs that demonstrate the lasting effect high-quality materials have on students.  This article list was originally compiled by Nebraska and published on the Nebraska Instructional Materials Collaborative site. Nebraska is one of the eight states in the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) Instructional Materials and Professional Development Network. Research blurbs were paraphrased or copied from report abstracts or summaries.

Here are the articles from the website, Evidence – Mississippi Instructional Materials Matter (msinstructionalmaterials.org)Links to an external site.

High Quality Instructional Materials Articles

See the following table for the article assigned to you:

Once you thoroughly read the article, you are required to create a MAXIMUM five slide powerpoint. 

Slide one: Your name and the APA citation of the article

Slides two-four: Key outcomes from the article

*****Slide five: your response to the article and how it may help a teacher research their “passion”*****

2.      Discussion Board #5 6200

Chapter two, you identified your top two passions to begin the research process.  Keep those two in mind as you complete the discussion board. 

Top 2 Passions

·        Advocating for Equity and Social Justice

·        1Helping an Individual Child

Reread the last paragraph on page 119 through the bottom of page 121.   Describe the structure you would use for journaling.  What questions would you ask yourself daily as you continue to collect data from students? What data patterns are you looking for?  What time of day would you journal?  How long do you think is an adequate amount of time to journal in order to capture the data you need? 

Each question must serve as a header for your response. 

Bottom of Form

3.      Discussion Board #4 EDU 6600

Research indicates that good discipline is best achieved by putting proactive measures in place.  Over and over, research has shown that disciplinary techniques such as suspension is not effective in managing and preventing behavioral issues.  Many schools have embraced the use of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports which emphasize recognizing students for engaging in desired behaviors and stresses the importance of having school-wide involvement.  By shaping desired behavior and focusing on appropriate behavior, students experience success and a much more positive culture within the school setting is created.

In 200-300 words discuss the types of discipline utilized at your school.  Are the positive behavioral supports in place to promote appropriate student behavior? Does you school use suspension? corporal punishment? Does your school teach expected and appropriate behavior and allow students to practice?

After you post, respond to 2 classmates in 100-200 words.