1) What led you to wanting to study within the College of AGNR and the major you chose? Tell us why you are passionate about this field and how our College/UMD can help you achieve your career goals.

1) What led you to wanting to study within the College of AGNR and the major you chose? Tell us why you are passionate about this field and how our College/UMD can help you achieve your career goals.  ****  back story —it started in 5th grade when our class had to grow plants and who ever  had the largest plant would win, well I won that competition due to my mother teaching me how to take care of plant life. My mom and I have been growing and harvesting veggies in our garden that me and my father built for some time now(7 years) I have always loved it but I love animals even more. I loved when my parents would take to me the local shelters to visit the dogs and cats and I enjoyed it even more when we planned trips to the zoo and the animal farm. We live in the Washington DC area so our zoo is awesome. Especially, when you get there early enough to watch the Zookeepers feed the animals. You can ask so many questions and that is when I learned healthy food and healthy animals go hand in hand.

So when I seen that I got accepted to the University of Maryland Agriculture Program I knew that Maryland has a very reputable program and they also have their own farm for a stimulating hands on education. Maryland University focuses on both of my interest of Animal science and Agriculture. I’m most passionate about taking care of any living thing and watching them grow, it gives me a since of accomplishment. I know that a degree from the University of Maryland would open my career in creating better sustainable food sources for our world, help animals and humans eat better with less pesticides and help the environment we live in. And to also be able to come back to the University of Maryland to help teach others that are interested in this program how important Agriculture and Animal science is to the world.