1. What simple word and two-word phrase have great power and are important to use in emails? 2. Take your time, craft your response carefully, and print legibly as you respond to the following

1.     What simple word and two-word phrase have great power and are important to use in emails?

2.     Take your time, craft your response carefully, and print legibly as you respond to the following scenario and Write an appropriate email response below.

It’s Monday morning, and your boss, Mr. Sayer, is furious that his office was not cleaned over the weekend. His trash can was not emptied, his rug was not vacuumed, and his desk is still littered with half-filled coffee cups and dirty napkins from a late-night meeting on Friday. Since you are in charge of all office personnel, he has sent you a nasty and insulting email complaining about the condition of his office. 

3.     What three moves should a writer make in an introduction?