1.What’s Your Personal CVD Risk? Post short reflection, 300 words (1 page)Now how do you feel about your risk for CVD? Compare your scores in three areas of risk(your family risk, your personal lifest

1.What’s Your Personal CVD Risk? Post short reflection, 300 words (1 page)Now how do you feel about your risk for CVD? Compare your scores in three areas of risk(your family risk, your personal lifestyle and your additional risks for cvd).What plans would you consider to lower your risk for CVD?

2.What’s Your Personal Risk for Cancer?Post short reflection, 300words (1 page)Now how do you feel about your risk for cancer?What is your reaction to your levels of risk in at least 3 of the areas assessed.( breast cancer,skin cancer and Cancers of the Reproductive System ).What do you think you can do in the future to lessen your risk of cancer?

3.What Are You Doing to Preserve the Environment?Post short reflection, 300 words (1 page)Now  how do you feel about your environmental behavior?Of the 28 behaviors listed, discuss at least 2 areas in which you think you could improve. (. I purchase biodegradable soaps and detergents.  I use biodegradable trash bags.At home, I use dishes and silverware rather than disposable products.  When I buy prepackaged foods, I choose the ones with the least packaging.  I do not subscribe to newspapers and magazines that I can view online.  I do not use a hair dryer.  I bring reusable bags to the grocery store.  I don’t run water continuously when washing the dishes, shaving,  or brushing my teeth. I use unbleached or recycled paper. I use both sides of printer paper and other paper when possible.)

4.Post short reflection, 250 words (1 page) on the topic of how physically fit you are.