10-14 page paper on employment testing, using the different personality tests. Myer Briggs, DISC and different interviewing styles.

Course Project:  Students are asked to write an in-depth paper on an area of educational or psychological assessment. Possible topic choices include assessment of personality traits, psychopathology, intelligence, attitudes, aptitude testing, achievement tests, vocational interest, employment testing and forensic assessments.  Please note that not all these topics are covered in this course.  The paper should be between ten to 14 pages long, not including title page, abstract or references.

Guidelines for Course Project: PSY 625 Tests and Measurements

Course Project:  Students are asked to write an in-depth paper on an area of educational or psychological assessment. Possible topic choices include assessment of personality traits, psychopathology, intelligence, attitudes, aptitude testing, achievement tests, vocational interest, employment testing and forensic assessments.  Please note that not all these topics are covered in this course.  The paper should be between ten to 14 pages long, not including title page, abstract or references.

Content of the paper:  The paper should follow the following format:

Title page (in APA format)

Abstract (a succinct summary of the paper)

Introduction to the area of assessment

A brief (1-2 pages) history of how this area has been assessed over time

Current ways in which the construct is operationally defined

Methods that have been used in assessment in this area

Ethical and cross-cultural/diversity considerations in this area of assessment

Include a review of at least three (3) major assessment instruments that are currently used in this area. The review of each assessment should include 2 current (no later than 2005) reviews of the assessment discussing the psychometric properties of each assessment.

A case example showing how the assessment is used to address a psychological or educational concern

Reference page (in APA format)

I also need an outline for the paper once completed, in this format 

Provide a three to four page outline of your paper. The outline should consist of headings and subheadings with a topic sentence for each heading. The outline should include citations where appropriate and a reference page. An example of a heading and subheadings with topic sentence is provided below.

Paper on Personality Assessment

Heading:  Personality Assessment Inventories

Topic sentence: Personality assessment inventories generally can be classified as either a projective technique or an objective technique.

Subheadings:   Projective tests

                                    Rorschach Inkblot and Sentence Completion

                        Objective Tests

                                    Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and NEO-PI