100 words due tomorrow morning before 8;00 am est


ProEthica Scenarios 1-4: Complete  the template provided in the Blackboard Assignments folder and submit  it in Blackboard. The template requires the two elements below:

  • Narrative: Write  into the template a 100-word statement reflecting on ethical decisions  required in these scenarios and the applicability of the Model Code of  Ethics in such scenarios.What key idea from the scenarios did you find  most practical and why? Be sure to follow current APA format.
  • Screenshot of Scores
    • Take the screenshot from the ProEthica website My History grades page.Ensure that the screenshot clearly shows your name and all scores for scenarios up through module 4.
    • Copy-and-paste  the screenshot image into the template as indicated.You may need to  edit the screenshot by cropping and/or adjusting the size so that the  image is clear.
    • If you do not know  how to take a screenshot, edit it, or copy-and-paste, you may do an  internet search of the phrases below or you may call Liberty University  technical support; they will be glad to walk through the process with  you.
      • how to take a screenshot on my computer
      • how to crop an image in Microsoft Word
      • how to enlarge an image in Microsoft Word