What does leading change in organizations mean to you personally? Is this something
you’d like to do in your career – or are you mainly interested in learning more at an
intellectual level about how leaders in organizations go about the process of leading
change? (Whatever you say here is completely fine – above all, honesty is key.)
o What knowledge would you like to gain so you can understand what it means to lead
change and to engage as effectively as possible in the process of leading change in
o What excites you about the role of leading change? What concerns you about this
o No matter how excited or concerned you are about leading change, is there a scenario
in which serving as a leader would take on deep personal importance to you?
(Sometimes we find ourselves drawn to take on the role of leader under certain
circumstances, even if we’re not otherwise interested in serving in this role.)
You are welcome to address these questions any way you wish (i.e., you may be as creative