14.5 LAB*: Program: Online shopping cart (Part 2)
Note: Creating multiple Scanner objects for the same input stream yields unexpected behavior. Thus, as good practice is to use a single Scanner object for reading input from System.in. That Scanner object can be passed as an argument to any methods that read input.
This program extends the earlier “Online shopping cart” program. (Consider first saving your earlier program).
(1) Extend the ItemToPurchase class per the following specifications:
Private fields
string itemDescription – Initialized in default constructor to “none”
Parameterized constructor to assign item name, item description, item price, and item quantity (default values of 0). (1 pt)
Public member methods
setDescription() mutator & getDescription() accessor (2 pts)
printItemCost() – Outputs the item name followed by the quantity, price, and subtotal
printItemDescription() – Outputs the item name and description
Ex. of printItemCost() output:
Bottled Water 10 @ $1 = $10
Ex. of printItemDescription() output:
Bottled Water: Deer Park, 12 oz.
(2) Create two new files:
ShoppingCart.java – Class definition
ShoppingCartManager.java – Contains main() method
Build the ShoppingCart class with the following specifications. Note: Some can be method stubs (empty methods) initially, to be completed in later steps.
Private fields
String customerName – Initialized in default constructor to “none”
String currentDate – Initialized in default constructor to “January 1, 2016”
ArrayList cartItems
Default constructor
Parameterized constructor which takes the customer name and date as parameters (1 pt)
Public member methods
getCustomerName() accessor (1 pt)
getDate() accessor (1 pt)
Adds an item to cartItems array. Has a parameter of type ItemToPurchase. Does not return anything.
Removes item from cartItems array. Has a string (an item’s name) parameter. Does not return anything.
If item name cannot be found, output this message: Item not found in cart. Nothing removed.
Modifies an item’s description, price, and/or quantity. Has a parameter of type ItemToPurchase. Does not return anything.
If item can be found (by name) in cart, check if parameter has default values for description, price, and quantity. If not, modify item in cart.
If item cannot be found (by name) in cart, output this message: Item not found in cart. Nothing modified.
getNumItemsInCart() (2 pts)
Returns quantity of all. Has no parameters.
getCostOfCart() (2 pts)
Determines and returns the total cost of items in cart. Has no parameters.
Outputs total of objects in cart.
If cart is empty, output this message: SHOPPING CART IS EMPTY
Outputs each item’s description.
Ex. of printTotal() output:
John Doe’s Shopping Cart – February 1, 2016 Number of Items: 8 Nike Romaleos 2 @ $189 = $378 Chocolate Chips 5 @ $3 = $15 Powerbeats 2 Headphones 1 @ $128 = $128 Total: $521
Ex. of printDescriptions() output:
John Doe’s Shopping Cart – February 1, 2016 Item Descriptions Nike Romaleos: Volt color, Weightlifting shoes Chocolate Chips: Semi-sweet Powerbeats 2 Headphones: Bluetooth headphones
(3) In main(), prompt the user for a customer’s name and today’s date. Output the name and date. Create an object of type ShoppingCart. (1 pt)Ex:
Enter Customer’s Name: John Doe Enter Today’s Date: February 1, 2016 Customer Name: John Doe Today’s Date: February 1, 2016
(4) Implement the printMenu() method in the ShoppingCartManager class to print the following menu of options to manipulate the shopping cart. (1 pt)Ex:
MENU a – Add item to cart d – Remove item from cart c – Change item quantity i – Output items’ descriptions o – Output shopping cart q – Quit
(5) Implement the executeMenu() method in the ShoppingCartManager class that takes 3 parameters: a character representing the user’s choice, a shopping cart, and a Scanner object. executeMenu() performs the menu options described below, according to the user’s choice. (1 pt)
(6) In main(), call printMenu() and prompt for the user’s choice of menu options. Each option is represented by a single character.
If an invalid character is entered, continue to prompt for a valid choice. When a valid option is entered, execute the option by calling executeMenu(). Then, print the menu and prompt for a new option. Continue until the user enters ‘q’. Hint: Implement Quit before implementing other options. (1 pt)Ex:
a – Add item to cart d – Remove item from cart c – Change item quantity i – Output items’ descriptions o – Output shopping cart q – Quit Choose an option:
(7) Implement Output shopping cart menu option in executeMenu(). (3 pts)Ex:
OUTPUT SHOPPING CART John Doe’s Shopping Cart – February 1, 2016 Number of Items: 8 Nike Romaleos 2 @ $189 = $378 Chocolate Chips 5 @ $3 = $15 Powerbeats 2 Headphones 1 @ $128 = $128 Total: $521
(8) Implement Output item’s description menu option in executeMenu(). (2 pts)Ex:
OUTPUT ITEMS’ DESCRIPTIONS John Doe’s Shopping Cart – February 1, 2016 Item Descriptions Nike Romaleos: Volt color, Weightlifting shoes Chocolate Chips: Semi-sweet Powerbeats 2 Headphones: Bluetooth headphones
(9) Implement Add item to cart menu option in executeMenu(). (3 pts)Ex:
ADD ITEM TO CART Enter the item name: Nike Romaleos Enter the item description: Volt color, Weightlifting shoes Enter the item price: 189 Enter the item quantity: 2
(10) Implement Remove item menu option in executeMenu(). (4 pts)Ex:
REMOVE ITEM FROM CART Enter name of item to remove: Chocolate Chips
(11) Implement Change item quantity menu option in executeMenu(). Hint: Make new ItemToPurchase object and use ItemToPurchase modifiers before using modifyItem() method. (5 pts)Ex:
CHANGE ITEM QUANTITY Enter the item name: Nike Romaleos Enter the new quantity: 3
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ShoppingCartPrinter {public static void main(String[] args) {Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
ItemToPurchase item1 = new ItemToPurchase();ItemToPurchase item2 = new ItemToPurchase();
System.out.println(“Item 1”);System.out.println(“Enter the item name:”);String name1 = scan.nextLine();
System.out.println(“Enter the item price:”);int price1 = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println(“Enter the item quantity:”);int quantity1 = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println(“Item 2”);System.out.println(“Enter the item name:”);String name2 = scan.nextLine();
System.out.println(“Enter the item price:”);int price2 = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println(“Enter the item quantity:”);int quantity2 = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println();System.out.println(“TOTAL COST”);
int item1Total = item1.getPrice() * item1.getQuantity();
int item2Total = item2.getPrice() * item2.getQuantity();
System.out.println(item1.getName() + ” ” + item1.getQuantity() + ” @ $” + item1.getPrice() + ” = $” + item1Total);
System.out.println(item2.getName() + ” ” + item2.getQuantity() + ” @ $” + item2.getPrice() + ” = $” + item2Total);
int totalCost = item1Total + item2Total;
System.out.println(“Total: $” + totalCost);
public class ItemToPurchase {
private String itemName;private int itemPrice;private int itemQuantity;
public ItemToPurchase() {itemName = “none”;itemPrice = 0;itemQuantity = 0;}
public void setName(String name) {itemName = name;}
public void setPrice(int price) {itemPrice = price;}
public void setQuantity(int quantity) {itemQuantity = quantity;}
public String getName() {return itemName;}
public int getPrice() {return itemPrice;}
public int getQuantity() {return itemQuantity;}}