15 Page Research

CLL Research Rubric and Template.
CLL 483: Actual Paper Framework
Directions: For the final project a research paper is required (15-pages excluding cover
page and references). This paper is a continuation from CLL 383 (if I was your instructor).
In this class, you will focus on the data collection for the Mock Interview and complete a
full data analysis. The results section will include the findings from the data analysis.
You will complete Yin’s Thematic Analysis. You are required to discuss all the elements
of the assignment during all classes. If you miss class, you will miss part of the
assignment. You will be provided with examples to complete the paper. Please follow the
outline provided below. You are to use Microsoft Word, double space, size 12 font, oneinch margins, appropriate APA standards. Yes, your research paper could be on your
service-learning experience. As you are aware, and per the syllabus, you are required to
present your research during the last two weeks of class.
II. Introduction (one paragraph) 75 Points
a. Introduce the research paper 25 points
b. What is the gap in the literature (2 citations)? 25 points
c. How will your research address the gap? 25 points
III.Background of the Problem (one or two paragraph[s]) 75 Points
a. What is the problem? 25 points
b. How long has it been a problem? 15 points
c. Who says it is a problem? 25 points
d. Who conducted research on the problem? 10 points
IV. Problem Statement (one paragraph) 75 Points
a. Significance of the “big” problem statement 25 points
b. Bounding statement (includes a number) 25 points
c. General Program (a summary of the a and b statements) 5 points
d. Specific research program statement 20 points
V. Purpose Statement (one paragraph)
a. What is the purpose of your qualitative 75 Points
action research study? 25 points
b. Target population 5 points
c. Location 5 points
d. Social change statement (how would the 15 points
community benefit from your research findings?)
VI. Research (1) and Interview questions (3) 75 Points
a. Primary research question 37.5 points
b. Interview questions 37.5 points
VII. Conceptual Framework (one paragraph) 75 Points
a. What is the name of the theory? 10 points
b. Who wrote the theory? 10 points
c. When was the theory written? 10 points
d. What is the purpose of the theory? 10 points
e. What are the principles or tenets of the theory? 10 points
f. How is the theory relevant to your research topic? 25 points
VIII. Nature of the Study 75 Points
a. Methods (one paragraph) 37.5 points
b. Research Design (one paragraph) 37.5 points
IX. Significance of the research (one paragraph) 75 Points
a. Why is it important to write research on your topic? 25 points
b. Who cares? 10 points
c. Who benefits? 25 points
d. What improvement could occur? 15 points
X. Assumptions, Delimitations, Limitations (1 page) 75 Points
a. What do you assume to be true or not true? 25 points
b. How is the research bounded? 25 points
c. What are the presumed weaknesses? 25 points
XI.Literature review (8 pages) 175 Points
a. How many sources?
b. What databases used?
c. You do remember that you are to use NOWebsites!!!!
d. Overview of the content in the literature
review that include your three themes.
e. Transitional summary
XII. Data Collection (1 page)
XIII. Data Analysis (3 pages)
XIV. Discussion and conclusion (1 page)
XV. Reference List
XVI. Appendices (interview raw data)
Service Learning (choose one activity below) 175 Points
(12 pages)
• Link this assignment to the research topic for your paper. As part of the core
class, service-learning is required. Each student must submit a PowerPoint
presentation on service-learning. For this assignment, please share the importance of
service based on your values or beliefs. What are the benefits to all for participating in
service? How is the community improved because of the service experience? What are your
future goals to begin or complete service? What is the meaning of social change to you?
Please include images to support the type of service that is meaningful to you.