2 arenas (e.g. race, class, gender, political opinions, etc.) in which media creates consciousness. What are the most important implications of these distortions?

Your exam should be typed (12 point font, double spaced, normal font, and margins). Your exam should be 4-5 pages long. (Anything longer than this will NOT be read).

Your essays should be well organized and clear. You WILL be penalized for significant spelling or grammatical issues. You should take care to answer ALL parts of the question. You are required to draw upon evidence from readings and lectures. You MUST cite your sources. A simple parenthetical notation is sufficient, examples: (Davidson, p. 25), (Lecture, Oct. 13).

You must answer ONE of the questions below. The exam is due uploaded to CANVAS by 11:59 pm, TUESDAY, May 11th. (Please clearly label which number question you are answering.)

Question: In society, it is widely accepted that the media produce what sells. In this specific sense, media conglomerates and producers are merely giving us what we want. However, others have argued that the media does not merely reflect consciousness, but actually creates consciousness and shapes our understandings of politics, race, class, gender, etc. Drawing upon specific evidence/ examples and detail from lectures and readings, write an essay in which you detail TWO arenas (e.g. race, class, gender, political opinions, etc.) in which media creates consciousness. What are the most important implications of these distortions? 

(Attached I have readings related to this question to be used in the essay, please let me know if you have any questions, must make it look like I pay attention in class) Please read or skim through them all 🙂