2 assignments?

Assignment 1 BSL 4040 Communication Skills for Leaders

(pages 66-71) Beebe, S. A., & Mottet, T. P. (2016). Business and professional communication: Principles and skills for leadership (3rd ed.). Pearson. 

1. (200 words) Your manager has requested you to assist with training on work relationships. Describe the four types of work relationships and a real-life scenario to illustrate each type of relationship.  

2. (200 words)Your team has been assigned the task of sharing a model to help understand conflict styles. As team leader, describe the Kilmann Thomas’s Managerial Grid model to your team.  

3. (200 words) After learning there is a conflict within your team, you have decided to do a mini-training lunch session to provide conflict management resources. Create a training guideline covering the main points for managing conflict at work using pages 6671 of your textbook.

4. (200 words) You have been asked to assist a coworker with a conflict issue. What are two ways you could assist your coworker with learning how to manage the current relational conflict? 

Assignment 2 BSL 4080 Creative Thinking and Problem Solving 

Boss, J. A. (2017). THiNK: Critical thinking and logic skills for everyday life (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education. https://online.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781307576726 

1. (200 words)Assume you are in an organization that is experiencing difficulty competing with others within a particular industry as a result of the entry of several new competitors into the market. You have been tasked by the organization’s leader with developing a creative marketing solution.
Develop a creative approach for improving specific processes, and utilize inductive arguments to support the proposed solution. The response should include one of the following: [Learning Outcome 7.2]

  1. generalization,
  2. analogy, or
  3. causal argument

2.  (200 words) Assume you are in an organization that is experiencing difficulty competing with others within a particular industry as a result of the entry of several new competitors into the market. You have been tasked by the organization’s leader with developing a creative marketing solution. Utilize deductive arguments to support the proposed solution. The response should include one of the following: [Learning Outcome 7.2]

  1. hypothetical syllogism,
  2. categorical syllogism,
  3. argument by elimination,
  4. argument based on mathematics, or
  5. argument from definition