200 words due by 10 hours


Reflection on Education Reform v2021
Reflection on Education Reform v2021CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of ProblemClear description of a contemporary education problem facing Canada. Outlines the nature and scale of adverse impact(s) of the problem on identifiable education stakeholder(s) using reliable data.

5 to >4.4 ptsExcellent
excellent explanation of the nature and cause of an enduring problem in education; problem identified is pertinent and ongoing; supports discussion with appropriate evidence/citations from three different reliable news sources.
4.4 to >4.0 ptsStrong
strong explanation of the nature and cause of an enduring problem in education; problem identified is pertinent and ongoing; supports discussion with appropriate evidence/citations from different reliable news sources.
4 to >3.4 ptsGood
good explanation of the nature and cause of an enduring problem in education; problem identified is pertinent and ongoing; somewhat supports discussion with appropriate evidence/citations from different reliable news sources.
3.4 to >2.9 ptsSatisfactory
satisfactory explanation of the nature and cause of an enduring problem in education; problem identified is somewhat pertinent and ongoing; partially supports discussion with appropriate evidence/citations from different news sources.
2.9 to >0 ptsNeeds Work
explanation of the nature and cause of an enduring problem in education needs work; problem identified is somewhat pertinent and ongoing; how to support discussion with appropriate evidence/citations from different reliable news sources needs to be reviewed.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRoot Cause & RecommendationConvincingly explains the root cause of the problem. Propose a specific policy, law or practice that will alleviate or eliminate the problem. Suggest how best to implement this solution using contemporary examples or research.

5 to >4.4 ptsExcellent
Excellent and thorough discussion of highly plausible policy, legislative or behaviour recommendation; supported by several contemporary examples and theory with reference/connection to news articles.
4.4 to >4.0 ptsStrong
strong and respectable discussion of plausible policy, legislative or behaviour recommendation; supported by contemporary examples and theory with reference/connection to news articles.
4 to >3.4 ptsGood
good discussion of plausible policy, legislative or behaviour recommendation; somewhat supported by contemporary examples and theory with reference/connection to news articles.
3.4 to >2.9 ptsSatisfactory
satisfactory discussion of somewhat plausible policy, legislative or behaviour recommendation; needs to be supported by several contemporary examples and theory with reference/connection to news articles.
2.9 to >0 ptsNeeds Work
discussion of highly plausible policy, legislative or behaviour recommendation needs work; needs to be supported by several contemporary examples and theory with reference/connection to news articles.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritingWriting is clear and concise using proper terminology. Evidence is properly cited and included a correctly formatted bibliography (APA). Balanced use of three different reliable news sources.

5 to >4.4 ptsExcellent
excellent writing skills that reflect concise arguments; grammar and spelling follow traditional conventions and rules; utilizes paragraphing to organize ideas; in-text citations and referencing of news articles in APA-style are properly given.
4.4 to >4.0 ptsStrong
strong writing skills that reflect fairly concise arguments; grammar and spelling follow traditional conventions and rules; utilizes paragraphing to organize ideas; in-text citations and referencing of news articles in APA-style are properly given.
4 to >3.4 ptsGood
good writing skills that reflect fairly concise arguments; grammar and spelling generally follow traditional conventions and rules; in-text citations and referencing of news articles in APA-style need to be properly given.
3.4 to >2.9 ptsSatisfactory
satisfactory writing skills that somewhat reflect concise arguments; grammar and spelling generally follow traditional conventions and rules; in-text citations and referencing of news articles in APA-style need to be properly given.
2.9 to >0 ptsNeeds Work
writing skills that reflect concise arguments need work; grammar and spelling generally follow traditional conventions and rules; in-text citations and referencing of news articles in APA-style need to be properly given5 pts
Total Points: 15

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