2000 Words Internship Logbook

I have worked for two months in Saudi Embassy in Vienna



The logbook is comprised of eight logs of 250 words each, a total of 2000 words. It is recommended that you write up each day of the internship reflecting on the experiences and challenges faced that day: who you met, what tasks were set and how completed. You should think of the log as a journal where you reflect on your insights and observations of how you feel about yourself and the organisation after the day is completed.


When you have completed the internship, you can either choose what you consider to be the best eight days or synthesis of an event that took place over several days or a task that took a number of days to complete into one log. However, this log must be of approximately 250 words and eight logs must be produced in total.


The logs should be written in continuous prose, be written in a personal and reflective style, give a clear and detailed insight of the internship and organisation where taking the work experience. The logs should be dated and give a title which encapsulates the content of the entry. If the log is a reflection over several days on a specific activity then state the period the log takes place over.



Day 1:

I started in Media department, and I worked with two girls, and they let me read the archive of the Media department in the Saudi Embassy.


Day 2:


I have written for them a list of biggest companies in Austria.


Day 3:


I have written for them a 100 tweet that they can use it to promote to visit Saudi Arabia


Day 4:


I have written a statement about the Ambassador’s speech to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).


Day 5:

I moved to Permanent Delegation to the United Nations and international organizations in Vienna office, and I work with 5 people that they responsible about different organizations in Vienna, and they let me read the archive.


Day 6:


I have written a profile report about United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)


Day 7:


I have written a profile report about United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)


Day 8:


I have written a profile report about United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)