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Respond to at least 2 peers, comparing your chosen technology tool to theirs. Note similarities and differences related to the tools’ strengths and weaknesses.




Technology Tool Review

For the last 2 decades, technology has evolved globally and with the outsourcing of jobs (U.S. Department of Education, 2017).  Despite having education and skills, the economic and societal trends have shifted the people in the workforce to seek higher education.  New normal students are working and taking care of their families.  These students need flexibility in course scheduling (U.S. Department of Education, 2017).  Even with flexible schedules, students need support in navigating a novel system of institutional processes, academics, social support and finances.  Technology has transformative impact on learning success and meets the needs of students efficiently.

As an educational technology tool, Prezi makes lessons exciting and easy to remember for students (Prezi, 2023).  Since 2009, this business has evolved in virtual presentations.  Business, teachers and students can utilize this tool to create professional presentations, video conferences, recording and shared videos.  It is popular, compatible and collaborates with Google Meet, Cisco Webex, and Microsoft Teams.  Another educational tool is Google Meet (Google Meet, 2023).  This is one I am most familiar with in the workforce.  Since CoVID-19, Google Meet offered my colleagues, students and I a secure connection in video conferencing nationally and globally with other aspects of Google Workspace, Classroom and Education.  The meet videos are encrypted in transit with safe anti abuse safeguards.

Prezi has an unlimited project space with the import of power point slides, pdf, video downloads, desktop applications and offline access for higher education (Prezi, 2023).  However, Prezi did not allow me to add an account using my Walden email, yet I used my yahoo account to sign up.  The cost for the online platform is $7/month for individuals.  For students and educators, the price was $3-$5 a month Edu Plus and Edu Pro.  Honestly, I currently have $2.71 in my bank account and could not afford this tool.  I maneuvered what I could on Perez and the end result was googling “How to in Prezi”.   With Google Meet and or Classroom, the platform is easy and free for up to 100 participants (Google Meet, 2023).  Personally, I had occasional hiccups with screen sharing and audio; yet it served its purpose with simplicity to interact my students.  For higher education and human services, programs are evolving as lives transition.  Education and social services requires the use of wireless communications, data systems, and computers to successfully function.

Google Meet and Prezi are functional with other tools of Zoom, Microsoft Teams, You tube, etc. rather in person on online classroom settings.  Google Meet with customization features, parent teacher conferences, communication and Prezi unique engaging presentations are both useful for diversity in learning.  Technology improves instruction for creative active learning for students, regardless of the setting, to take on real world challenges and collaborate to find solutions (U.S. Department of Education, 2017).


Google.  (2023).  Google Meet.  https://workspace.google.com/products/meet/

Prezi. (2023).  Prezi is smart for education.  https://prezi.com/

U.S. Department of Education. (2017). Reimagining the role of technology in higher education: A supplement to the National Education Technology PlanLinks to an external site.Links to an external site.. https://tech.ed.gov/files/2017/01/Higher-Ed-NETP.pdf




Haiku Deck & Prezi

The two chosen educational technology tools; Haiku Deck & Prezi

An effective way to communicate can be through presentations that can be very interactive for an audience whether in the workplace or educational setting (Account, 2022). Haiku Deck and Prezi are both interactive presentation applications. Both provide innovative and customizable ways to present information whether it be as an instructor or as a learner. Each application allows the presenter to deliver information more interactively. One of the biggest differences between the two applications is the accessibility to outside templates. For example, the Haiku deck allows a presenter to check out similar presentations on a specific topic, while Prezi just provides templates and content that are customizable. Both applications are great resources to use when creating a presentation on any educational or business level.

Pros & Cons

Having experience with using Prezi in higher education, Prezi can be somewhat challenging to navigate at first, however, once the presentation is finished there is a different engagement from the audience. Prezi allows you to create a presentation in a more entertaining way. Typically presentation slides are a simple click next slide, with Prezi the click is a motion, a movement to something that is more excitable to the audience.  While Haiku also offers the same capabilities of being interactive one of the biggest differences between the two applications is the ability to access the Haiku presentation on a phone the same way it would be on the computer. In this day and age where technology is more advanced than ever, everyone has a cellular device. A lot of the time being able to have the same access or ability across any technological device can be a challenge. Haiku deck offers the same viewpoint on the computer as it does on a phone or tablet. Prezi on the other hand does not have a smooth conversion from computer to phone or tablet which can make its access limited with different technological devices. With limited conversion, people are not always able to access a computer so tablets and phones are used just as much and if Prezi cannot convert effectively it makes this application less desirable to use.  One of the benefits of both applications is that they can both be used in a variety of fields. Both Prezi and Haiku deck can be used in an educational setting at different levels or in a business setting for different companies. These applications can be used within the human services field as collaboration tools, presentations, webinars, and a plethora of other uses. Overall, both Prezi and Haiku deck are great technological resources to use when trying to convey content and information in a meaningful and effective way.

Useful Situations

-Prezi is a great tool to use in an in-person classroom setting when wanting to individually create a presentation for a class. Prezi provides an engagement that is different from a typical slide show presentation. Prezi has the benefit of being fun and innovative for the audience it’s being presented to. For example, using Prezi to discuss Bloom’s Taxonomy could be presented in a way that could be interactive by using videos and creating content that could be appealing to the audience, making it more likely for them to want to participate in something that has caught their attention.

-Haiku Deck can be utilized in an online classroom setting for the opportunity to present course content that keeps the learner actively engaged. Haiku deck can be used by both instructor and learner simultaneously during the lesson, so while the instructor is presenting the course content, learners can give live feedback during the lesson when prompted too. With the Haiku deck, the instructor does not have to use a separate application to gather responses from the learner but can receive them in the same application.



Account, A. (2022, September 20). Why Presentation Skills Are Important For Career Success – WIBF. WIBF – Women in Banking and Finance. https://www.wibf.org.uk/news/why-presentation-skills-are-important-for-career-success/#:~:text=A%20good%20presentation%20can%20be,individual%20success%20and%20business%20success.

Haiku Deck: Presentation Software and Online Presentation Tools. (n.d.). Haiku Deck. https://www.haikudeck.com/

Presentations and videos with engaging visuals for hybrid teams | Prezi. (n.d.). prezi.com. https://prezi.com/