250 words/ two scholarly sources due 3/19!


Respond to one of the following:

Option 1: Rigor mortis, livor mortis, and algor mortis are all used to help determine time of death. However, each method has its limitations. For each method, describe at least one condition that would render that method unsuitable or inaccurate for determining time of death.

Option 2:What kind of forensic expert would most likely be asked to help identify human remains in each of the following conditions: a body that has been decomposing for a day or two; fragmentary remains of a few arm bones and part of a jaw; a skeleton that is missing its skull?

Option 3:Identify a reasonable manner of death  

for each of the following situations:  

a. a contact gunshot wound to the back  

of the head;  

b. an elevated carboxyhemoglobin  

blood level in a fire victim; c. a fracture hyoid bone d. death by an overdose of a first-time user of alcohol: e. a wound to the chest from a distance of three feet.

Option 4: Our text describes five types of microscopes commonly used in forensic analysis. List them and briefly describe the function of each.

Option 5:Describe the operation of the scanning electron microscope (SEM). What are its major advantages?

Option 6:The forensic technician is asked to compare a fatal projectile to a weapon found on a suspect. Describe the procedure to make the comparison and the instrument used.

Option 7:Which of the discussed physiological conditions or changes in the body after death and are examined during autopsy could help the forensic pathologist to determine the time of death since the victim died within 1 to 2 hours of being discovered. Which would be of little or no assistance in that determination?

Option 8:With incidents of global terror on the rise, it had become increasingly harder for law enforcement to manage apprehending suspects. Terror suspects take advantage of large crowds and chaotic situations to blend in and become anonymous. How can law enforcement and government agencies use biometrics to gather investigative leads and find suspects? How can biometrics prevent known terrorists from entering a heavily populated area?

Option 9:Computers and sensitive data networks are most sensitive to breaches due to the problems that exist with existing access control systems. Passwords can be easily cracked by hacking software, and keycards can be shared among multiple people. Keys are about as obsolete as the locks that they are attached to. How can biometrics solve these problems?

Option 10:While searching a murder scene, you find the following items that you believe may contain latent fingerprints. Indicate whether prints on each item should be developed using fingerprint powder or chemicals: a leather sofa; a mirror; a painted wooden knife handle; blood-soaked newspapers; A revolver.

Option 11:Criminalist Frank Mortimer is using digital imaging to enhance latent fingerprints. Indicate which features of digital imaging he would most likely use for each of the following tasks:  

1. isolating part of a print and enlarging it for closer examination  

2. increasing the contrast between a print and the background surface on which it is located 3. examining two prints that overlap each other. 4. isolating part of a print and  

enlarging it for closer examination Option 12:Describe in detail the three fundamental principles of fingerprinting.