3.1 Assignment: Externship paper – Course One


Background Information


A. Courses This Quarter List the two courses that you are taking this term(3W12021-Marketing Management MKTG-530-01AFL, 3W12021Economic Analysis for Managers ECON-510-01AFL). Include the number and name of each course, whether it is hybrid or fully online and the name of your instructor.  

B. Connect outcomes from Course to Workplace Describe specific (to your workplace/job(Associate Developer and Business Support Lead) examples of connections you are making between the learning in your course and your job. How you will implement what you are learning within you current position?  

C. Applying work experiences to Courses  Describe an example of a workplace occurrence where you were able to apply concepts discussed in your class. 

D. Work Proposal Briefly (1-2 paragraphs) describe a process change, procedural innovation, or another enhancement that you would propose to your employer based on what you have learned in your graduate program class. 



  1. Write a paper that replicates the 4 part outline described in the background information. Use the outline headings for your paper to answer the prompt: Integrate coursework and workplace learning.  
  2. The paper should be 250-300 words, typed, double-spaced, 12 point font, APA format.  
  3. Please take advantage of Grammarly and Smartthinking to improve grammar and language usage.