3.5 Exercise: Virtuous Business Assignment


  1. Review the following Wells Fargo articles and reflect on the circumstances and outcomes surrounding the scandal:
  2. Write a paper incorporating information from Making Business Virtuous and the Wells Fargo scandal references. Using critical thinking, sound business acumen and clear ethical and moral thinking, respond to the following:
    1. Review the five characteristics of a virtual business as described in Making Business Virtuous and describe how Wells Fargo violated each of these. Your description should be at least one paragraph in length per characteristic. Note:  the description of these characteristics can be found in the “Virtuous Business” section, which begins on page 6.
    2. Analyze the numerous operational shortcomings in the Wells Fargo case. Identify two that you feel contributed significantly to the development and perpetuation of the inappropriate company conduct. In one paragraph for each, describe two action items that could be implemented to incorporate virtuous principles within the organization to address the two behavioral items you selected.
    3. In one final paragraph, summarize what you believe to be the most significant infraction of all committed by Wells Fargo, what you believe to be the underlying motivation for this non-virtuous corporate behavior.
  3. Your paper should be 600 words in length. Use proper spelling, grammar, and APA style in your paper and for any sources

 riteriaLevel 4Level 3Level 2Level 1Criterion ScoreIdentification of Violation of Virtuous Business Model Characteristics40 points

You demonstrated clear, insightful critical thinking in describing how Wells Fargo violated five of the characteristics of a virtual business.

34 points

You demonstrated competent critical thinking in describing how Wells Fargo violated five of the characteristics of a virtual business.

28 points

You demonstrated limited critical thinking in describing how Wells Fargo violated five of the characteristics of a virtual business.

27 points

(0-27 points)

You demonstrated little to no critical thinking in describing how Wells Fargo violated five of the characteristics of a virtual business.

Score of Identification of Violation of Virtuous Business Model Characteristics,/ 40Criterion score has been overriddenAction Steps35 points

You demonstrated clear, insightful critical thinking in describing action steps consistent with a company displaying virtuous behavior and high ethical standards.

30 points

You demonstrated competent critical thinking describing action steps consistent with a company displaying virtuous behavior and high ethical standards.

24 points

You demonstrated limited critical thinking in describing action steps consistent with a company displaying virtuous behavior and high ethical standards.

23 points

(0-23 points)

You demonstrated little to no critical thinking
in describing action steps consistent with a company displaying virtuous behavior and high ethical standards.

Score of Action Steps,/ 35Criterion score has been overriddenOrganization and Writing15 points

You used a logical and coherent sequence in structuring your responses.

You demonstrated exceptional simplicity, clarity, and conciseness in your writing.

13 points

You used a logical sequence in structuring your responses.

You demonstrated sufficient simplicity, clarity, and conciseness in your writing.

10 points

You used an illogical sequence in structuring your responses.

You demonstrated limited simplicity, clarity, and conciseness in your writing.

9 points

(0-9 points)

You used an illogical and incoherent sequence in structuring your responses.

You demonstrated a lack of simplicity, clarity, and conciseness in your writing.

Score of Organization and Writing,/ 15Criterion score has been overriddenGrammar, Spelling, Length, Citations10 points

Your sentence structure is complete with correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization and varied diction and word choices.

Your assignment length is correct with sources correctly cited.

9 points

Your sentence structure has minor errors (fragments, run-ons) with correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization but limited diction and word choices.

Your assignment length is correct with sources correctly cited.

7 points

Your sentence structure has several errors in sentence uency with multiple fragments/run-ons, poor spelling, punctuation, and/or word choice.

Your assignment length is inappropriate with several format and citation errors.

6 points

(0-6 points)

Your sentence structure has serious and persistent errors in sentence uency, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, and/or word choice.

Your assignment length is inappropriate with several format and citation errors or sources not cite