3 – Key Performance Indicators KPIs


Assignment Content

  1.     Consider the importance of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as an IT manager in the small retail organization from Week 2. The previous measurement period has concluded, and you must prepare an update to the chief information officer (CIO) on your IT team. Some KPIs are pre-determined. You must also recommend other KPIs for your team.

    Prepare a 14- to 16-slide media-rich or voice-over presentation in which you:

    • Discuss the provided and comment on the direction and characteristics of the KPI.
    • Write three additional KPIs with appropriate justification for inclusion in the KPI report.
    • Discuss how KPIs can be tied to strategic vision and project planning.
    • Research IT performance applications or tools for monitoring and evaluation of the KPIs. Evaluate three products and how each tool effectively meets assurance practices and IT performance.
    • Formatyour citations according to APA guidelines.

      Submit your assignment.