
 Descriptive Essay

  • Write a 500-750 word essay using description as the chief method of development.
  • Use your own thoughts, observations, and/or experiences as the sources for this essay. Research is NOT required or expected for this essay.

Writing Assignment

Purpose: to inform
Method of Development: description
Choose your own topic, but make sure that the topic allows you to be able to describe it. You can choose to describe a place, your favorite piece of clothing, an event, your cell phone, a friend, or something else totally different. If you have something in mind but you are unsure if it will work as a descriptive essay, please send me a message through the Messages link for assistance. 


  1. Brainstorm for topics.
  2. Accumulate as many details as you can about your topic, and then sift through them, discarding those that are irrelevant, weak, or unrelated to the impression you would like to convey.
  3. Organize your ideas.
  4. Use vivid language and varied sentence structure.
  5. Remember this is not a narrative. This essay is based on painting a picture for the audience.
  6. Check the syllabus for due dates.

Writing Approach

In this essay assignment, description will be the dominant technique used to develop a distinct impression of your topic. Remember that description must appeal to the senses: taste, touch, sound, sight, smell. While you need not appeal to every sense in your essay, be sure to give the reader enough description so that he/she can be a part of your topics development. You may certainly use figurative language in your descriptions simile, metaphor, personification, etc. In any case, be aware of your audience (your classmates) and your tone. Your choice of words may greatly influence your readers impression of your topic. Be careful to present your topic as you would like it to be interpreted.

Important: Your paper will be checked for plagiarism using SafeAssign or similar third parties to review and evaluate for originality and intellectual integrity.