4.1 Discussion: Devotional Reflection-Honesty; 4.3 Discussion: Outsourcing Debate; 4.4 Project Assignment: Personal Ethics Statement (Workplace Ethics)


4.3 Discussion: Outsourcing Debate


1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.

2. Read Chapter 5 in your Meeting the Ethical Challenge of Leadership textbook.

3. Read the article: .

4. Watch .

5. Read the article: .


6. After engaging with the resources above, focus on the prompts below that coincide with the first letter of your last name.

Last Name N-Z

You are the production manager of Inotech Corp.  Inotech provides goods and services for a wide range of customers and many products contain proprietary information in which confidentiality is important. 

It has come to your attention that the CEO has expressed the desire to trim operating costs. You have heard that the Financial manager has decided to present the idea of outsourcing/onshoring the janitorial staff to a local service.  Inotechs janitorial team consists of 20 employees at the Indiana facility and 20 employees at the Ohio facility.

You plan to attend the meeting to express why you believe this is not the best option.

Your post will be your argument of why outsourcing janitorial services will not be the best way to trim costs.

Be sure to utilize your guidelines for negotiating that you developed in Workshop Three.

1. Define outsourcing/onshoring.

2. Analyze and construct at least two clear and well-supported arguments for not outsourcing the janitorial service to a local company.

3. Identify and apply one ethical framework from Chapter 5 that supports your stance on outsourcing (Utilitarianism, Kants Theory, Justice as Fairness, Pragmatism, and Altruism).

4. Demonstrate how your stance is ethical for the company based on the application of your ethical framework.

5. Discuss the fiduciary duties and social responsibility at play in this situation.


(Overall Discussion Instructions continued.)

6. Your post should contain a detailed evaluation that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.

7. Your post should be at least 500 words in length and include two scholarly sources and one biblical reference that are properly cited according to APA guidelines. For questions on APA style, go to . 

8. Your argument post is due by the end of the workshop.

4.4 Project Assignment: Personal Ethics Statement (Workplace Ethics)


1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.

2. Read Chapter 5 in Meeting the Ethical Challenge of Leadership.

3. In your textbook, locate and complete Self-Assessment 5.2: The Self Report Altruism Scale  (completed assessment will not be submitted as part of the assignment). 

4. With clear, insightful critical thinking, reflect and answer the following questions:

a. What does your score on the Self-Assessment 5.2 reveal about your willingness to help others?

b. Reflect on the article . Have you experienced an emotional change after helping someone? If you had a positive emotional affect did this encourage you to act this way again?

c. How can you engage in more altruistic behavior?

d. Explain whether you believe your identified changes in behavior impact the work ethics of others.

5. Your reflection should be between 450 and 700 words and include at least two scholarly sources. Be sure to use correct spelling, grammar, and APA format in the paper. For questions on APA style, go to . 

a. Note: cover pages, academic sources, reference pages, etc. do not count towards the word length requirement in your paper. Remember the work you do here will benefit you in completing your final paper in Workshop Six.

6. When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself (name your assignment LastName_Ethics_WorkEthics”) and submit a copy through the Assignment Submission Page by the end of the workshop.

4.1 Discussion: Devotional Reflection-Honesty


1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.

2. Take a moment to reread and .

3. Reflect and respond to the following prompts:

a. Recall a situation where you demonstrated/experienced a lack of honesty. Write a brief summary of how you remember it.

b. Did this cause you to distrust someone or cause someone to distrust you? How did you work through this distrust?

c. How has your faith changed your character to make you more honest?

d. Look back to Workshop Two and the devotional on Integrity. What do you see as differences between honesty and integrity? How do these two traits go hand in hand?

4. Your reflection post should be at least one full page in length and incorporate at least one Scripture other than those covered in the assignment, that supports your post. Be sure to use proper grammar, spelling and properly cite your sources.