4-2 Final Project Milestone Two: Draft of Observation and Benefits and Limitations In Milestone One, you chose a case history and a method of analysis. In Milestone Two, you begin to examine data. Sub

4-2 Final Project Milestone Two: Draft of Observation and Benefits and Limitations

In Milestone One, you chose a case history and a method of analysis. In Milestone Two, you begin to examine data. Submit a draft of the final project’s Observation and Benefits and Limitations sections. In this milestone, you begin to analyze the data in your client’s case history’s dossier. You will be addressing how the client’s behaviors and test conditions impacted the test results. You will also closely examine the different tests used to determine the benefits and limitations of each. Finally, you will consider whether or not the assessments were conducted ethically. All of your observations and insights will need to be supported with current research and accepted professional practices.

For additional details, please refer to the Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric and the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric.