4 essay Questions

1- Throughout the course distinctions have been made as to the difference between human smuggling versus human trafficking. Present how each of these are commonly defined by government and NGOs. Then, critically examine these definitions as to whether they are really different or whether they are all part of the same transnational crime phenomenon. What implications does this have for its prevention and responses by nation states? Provide referenced and convincing support for your position.

2- Compare and contrast at least three (3) varieties of transnational crime (i.e. gun smuggling, vs. organ smuggling, vs. human trafficking, drug smuggling, etc.) that have been covered in this course. Identify in what ways they are similar and in what ways they differ (a table summarizing this is desirable). Considering this, should a one size fits all approach or a tailored response to individual forms of transnational crime be developed in responding to transnational crime problems? Provide support for your answer.

3- The recent rise in homicides in Mexico highlights a phenomenon which is related to transnational crime activity. Imagine you have been called in by a high-ranking government leader who wants you, as an expert on transnational crime, to give her a briefing on the current state of affairs in Mexico surrounding these murders. In doing so, present your assessment as to the circumstances surrounding the killings, the factors creating the problem, the implications for U.S. national security and some options for how the problem could be addressed. Do some independent research online as necessary to prepare your response.

4- Several recent geopolitical events suggest that the world may be moving more toward nationalism and away from globalism. Examples of this movement are the U.S. election of President Trump who ran on a nationalistic platform and Great Britains move out of the European Union. Identify what we know about the factors that have facilitated the growth of transnational crime in recent decades and critically assess what impact a global movement toward nationalism would have on transnational crime and illicit markets. Would it reduce the extent of transnational crime or make it worse? In what ways? Provide examples and/or illustrations to support your answers.