4 lesson

This week, weve spent some time exploring photography as an artistic form. To help you explore what weve learned about, your Unit 4 assignment will consist of writing an essay addressing using the following criteria: 

Essay Requirements: 

    1,000 words or roughly four double-spaced pages. 
    Make use of at least three scholarly sources to support and develop your ideas. Our course text may serve as one of these three sources.
    Your essay should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the READ and ATTEND sections.
    Be sure to cite your sources using proper APA format (7th edition). For help with APA, visit the Bethel Library website to explore a plethora of APA-related tutorials, help videos and resources. 

Essay Prompt: 
    In this essay, you will choose one photographic image to critique as a work of art. You may choose an image from either the Straight Photography, The Documentarists or The Modern Eye sections of Chapter 11. Questions for you to consider in your essay: 
     o    Why did you choose this particular image? What appeals to you about it? What intrigues you?
     o    What school or movement does it relate to i.e., straight, documentary or modern and what are some of the characteristics of your chosen image as it relates to the movement or school its a part of?
     o    Based on everything weve learned so far about art (and photography), how would you evaluate this photograph as a work of art?