2.1 Devotion: Biblical Perspective

Getting Started

You will see that crossing cultures is nothing new. Characters in the Bible were frequently confronted by value systems that were in direct conflict with their own. One of the most apparent issues for those who manage globally is learning to respond to differences in cultural values. This refers to philosophies and practices that derive from a long standing practice in a society, as well as thought and behavior that is acceptable or unacceptable because of societal consensus. Such values can be externalized (intellectually accepted because they are normative) or internalized (fully embraced intellectually and emotionally as my own).

Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to:

Articulate the importance of integrating a Christian worldview with global business practice. 





1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.

2. Read the following passages in your Bible:

a. Matthew 5:2122, 2728, 3132, 3337, 3842, and 4348

b. Matthew 6:2021 and 3133

c. 2 Corinthians 6:1418

3. After reading, think about how you would answer the following questions:

a. In the Matthew passages, you see just a few ways that Christ says the values of believers will be internalized as compared to the external norms established by societies. What are some of these differences?

b. In 2 Corinthian 6:1418, Paul tells those who have believed in Christ that they are different. In what ways? What is his point?

c. 1 Corinthians 8 is a challenge for those who live in other cultures who have expectations of Christians (that may not even be correct). Why?


2.2 Discussion: Power Distance (Part B)



Getting Started

Note: This is Part B of a two-week discussion forum. In the previous workshop, you made an initial post; in this workshop, you will respond to the posts of your classmates and will post a summary of your new learning. You and your classmates must pace yourselves to complete the discussion fully within the time allotted. 

For this discussion, you will watch a 10-minute video in which researcher Geert Hofstede explains power distance, which is one of six dimensions of national culture that were described in his formative research on culture. From the video and the accompanying PowerPoint presentation, you will discover:

  • Definition of power distance
  • How power distance transfers between generations within a society
  • Differences between cultures characterized by large distance and small power distance
  • The role of the perception of inequality and hierarchy in power distance
  • Characteristics of power distance
  • Components of the power distance index (PDI)
  • Societal characteristics that can be correlated with the PDI 

Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to:

  • Examine theoretical concepts in the exploration of globalization and culture.
  • Research cultural differences related to business decision making and strategic planning.


  • Video: 10 Minutes with Geert Hofstede on Power Distance
  • File: Power Distance PowerPoint


  1. Review the rubric to ensure your understanding of the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Review the video “10 Minutes with Geert Hofstede on Power Distance.”
  3. Review the  file.
  4. By the end of this workshop, respond to two of your classmates.
    1. Consider the validity of their assertions related to high and low power distance.
    2. Evaluate the descriptions, examples, and characterizations provided in the posts of your classmates.
    3. Offer alternate perspectives and provide additional clarifying commentary to add to the discussion.
  5. Each response should be at least 150 words.


2.3 Discussion: Individualist/Collectivist Assessment (Part A)

Getting Started

This is a two-week discussion. Your initial post is due by the end of Workshop Two. You will then engage in dialogue with your classmates in at least three discussion threads (one of which is your initial post) and will post a summary of your new knowledge for each of the three discussion threads. While your interactions are not due until the end of Workshop Three, you should be prepared to engage in the discussion throughout both workshops.

In this discussion, you will examine Hofstede’s national culture dimensions related to the concepts of “individualism” and “collectivism.” There is an important nexus where one’s sense of individualism, characterized by the person’s unique background and worldview, meets collectivism, where the person’s sensibilities give priority to norms of a group. Illustrative of this intersection between individualism and collectivism is a quote by Vince Lombardi, famous NFL coach, who once said, “Individual commitment to a group effortthat is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” 

You will complete a self-assessment and will compare results with your classmates. You will use your familial background as a lens which to view customs and rituals that drive your sense of individualism or collectivism.

Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to:

Examine theoretical concepts of business globalization and culture.

Analyze the impact of cultural differences on business decision making and strategic planning.



Webpage: Individualism/Collectivism Scale Self-Assessment



1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.

2. Complete the .


a. You will obtain a score for individualism and collectivism. Record your scores for each.

3. Navigate to the discussion below and post a substantive response to the following questions:

a. Did your self-assessment reveal a higher score for individualism or collectivism? Share your scores for each.

b. Do you believe that this assessment is an accurate reflection of your sense of individualism and collectivism? Why or why not?

c. What do your results indicate about the manner in which you were raised and the attitudes within your family on the values of individualism and collectivism?

d. Assume you are a manager within a multicultural workplace environment such that the backgrounds and upbringings within your work group are varied. What actions might you take to develop a cohesive team characterized by “individual commitment to a group effort,” as described in the quote from Vince Lombardi?

4. Your initial response should:

a. Be 200300 words in length

b. Include a minimum of two properly cited references. For questions on APA style, go to .

5. Your initial response is due by the end of Workshop Two.

6. You will respond to your classmates in the 3.1 Discussion: Individualist/Collectivist Assessment (Part B).


2.4 Discussion: SWOT Analysis (Part A)

Getting Started

This is a two-week discussion. Your initial post is due by the end of Workshop Two. You will then engage in dialogue with your classmates in at least three discussion threads (one of which is your initial post) and will post a summary of your new knowledge for each of the three discussion threads. While your interactions are not due until the end of Workshop Three, you should be prepared to engage in the discussion throughout both workshops.

In this discussion, you will develop a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis (on yourself), which is a strategic planning technique used to help a person or organization identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to business competition or project planning. You will utilize a critical analysis on your SWOT and share your findings using group dynamics.

Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to:

Recognize multicultural competency as a necessary skill for managerial success.

Analyze the impact of cultural differences on business decision making and strategic planning.



File: SWOT analysis template

Website: Zoom



1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.

2. Download the .

3. Complete a SWOT analysis on yourself. 

4. Each student should work on their SWOT analysis individually.

5. Next, go to the Brightspace assigned group by accessing the Communication icon in the navigation bar, then selecting “Groups.”

6. Students will meet in small groups to discuss their self-assessments. (Students are allowed to keep certain information confidential should they so choose.)

a. Questions the students might ask each other include:

i. What do you see as the principle opportunities in a career in international business?

ii. What do you see as your principal strengths that will allow you to take advantage of these opportunities?

iii. Identify one or two skills that you feel you will need that you dont already possess? What could you do over the next one or two years to develop those skills?

7. Record your group session using . The recording should be no more than 12 minutes in length.

8. Upload the Zoom recording in the discussion forum by the end of Workshop Two.

9. You will respond to your classmates in the 3.2 Discussion: SWOT Analysis (Part B).


2.5 Assignment: ACER Case Study

Getting Started

In this assignment, you will read two MarketLine articles about the company ACER as it relates to the IT industry in South Africa.  ACER has taken advantage of the plethora of opportunities in South Africa such as legal protection of property, high labor productivity, low tax rates, reasonable regulation, a low level of corruption, and good access to credit. These six factors contribute to the countrys investment climate (MarketLine, 2019). This activity will enhance your knowledge of the impact of global alliances and acquisitions.


MarketLine. (2019). MarketLine industry profile: IT services in South Africa.

Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:

Articulate the importance of integrating a Christian worldview with global business practice.

Analyze the impact of cultural differences on business decision making and strategic planning.

Recognize multicultural competency as a necessary skill for managerial success.

Determine ways culture influences global alliances and acquisitions.

Examine theoretical concepts of business globalization and culture.



Video: Overwhelmed by Big Daddy Weave

Website: OCLS APA Writing Style Guides

Article: MarketLine Industry Profile: IT Services in South Africa

Article: MarketLine Report: ACER Incorporated



1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.

2. Read the articles “” and “.”

3. Watch the video “Overwhelmed” by the artist Big Daddy Weave. This video is filmed in Tanzania, Africa, a collectivist culture.

4. You will write a five- to six-page paper following APA style. For questions on APA style, go to .

5. In your paper, address the following:

a. Develop a cultural profile of South Africa. Culture profiles are shown as beneficial tools to improve cultural awareness in global knowledge sharing and learning processes. Culture profiles describe cultural characteristics on different levels, such as national, organizational or individual characteristics. The concept is related to existing specifications and standards in order to implement an innovative concept in an interoperable way.

b. Describe the IT industry in South Africa.

c. What type of organization is ACER?

d. What strategy did the company ACER implement to enter the South Africa market? Was this strategy successful? Why or why not?

e. Are there additional alliances ACER could employ? 

f. Discuss the importance of integrating a Christian worldview in South Africa, which is a more collectivist society than the United States.

6. Submit your paper by the end of the workshop.