5 Pages + Calculations on Excel


  • Historical Financial Statements, Projected Financial Statements, NPV Calculations and a Cost Sheet for the strategy in an Excel document 
  • Matrices, which must be exhibits/attachments in the appendix and not part of the body of the analysis (The Strategy Club has excellent templates/examples for exhibits and matrices: ) 

Deliverables for Case Study: Matrices Assignment 

1.  Existing mission, objectives, and strategies. 

2.  A new mission statement (include the number of the component in parenthesis before addressing that component).
Great mission statements address these 9 components: 

  • Customers: Who are the firms customers? 
  • Products or services: What are the firms major products or services? 
  • Markets: Geographically, where does the firm compete? 
  • Technology: Is the firm technologically current? 
  • Concern for survival, growth, and profitability: Is the firm committed to growth and financial soundness? 
  • Philosophy: What are the basic beliefs, values, aspirations, and ethical priorities of the firm? 
  • Self-concept: What is the firms distinctive competence or major competitive advantage? 
  • Concern for public image: Is the firm responsive to social, community, and environmental concerns? 
  • Concern for employees: Are employees a valuable asset of the firm? 

3.  Analysis of the firms existing business model. 

4.  SWOT Matrix and Analysis (comes from researching the firm, industry, and competitors).  It is important to know the difference between causes and effects in the SWOT analysis. Causes are important, not effects.  Focus on internal and external analysis when completing this matrix.  This matrix should be based on research and contain quantifiable metrics.  There should be 8-10 items in each quadrant, with research support for each item. 

5.  Once the SWOT Matrix and Analysis is created, construct the TOWS also known as the Bivariate Strategy Matrix. 

6.  Group Map create this based on the firm as a whole or a specific SBU, clearly identify which method you chose and why.  

7.  Competitive forces analysis, use PESTLE and Porters Five Forces as the foundation for this analysis.  Clearly identify the factors that are impacting the firm, research is required to support the position taken in your narrative.