Choose a well known site in Canada from the list below:Torontos Financial District
Oshawa GM Plant (Auto manufacturer in Oshawa)
Six Nations of The Grand River (Largest Indigenous reserve in Ontario)
Torontos Chinatown
Parliament Hill
Iqaliut (Capital city of Nunavut)
The Oil Sands (Fort McMurry area of Northern Alberta)
Roxham Road, Quebec (Irregular border crossing site in Quebec)
After choosing a site, think about a QUESTION you have about this site and its RELATIONSHIP to one aspect of REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY weve discussed, or will discussed in class:Canadas Regions
Settler Colonialism
Resource and Economic Geography
Political Geography
Urban Canada
The North, Security, and Resources
Canada and the World
Canada Today and Canadas Future
Research and find between 1 and 3 newspaper or magazine articles that are related to that location. Use the list of resources in the next section to help you find appropriate sources. This must be a trustworthy and reputable Canadian or International news source in English.
Choose a secondary source from the course reading list that helps you analyze your site and how it is related to one other larger geographies listed above.
Once you have chosen a site, a primary source, and a secondary source, write a paper that includes:Introduction with:Research Question: i.e. How does MY SITE relate to A PARTICULAR GEOGRAPHY
Thesis/Argument Statement: i.e. I argue that MY SITE relates to A PARTICULAR GEOGRAPHY because of A, B, C OR MY SITE is an example of PARTICULAR GEOGRAPHICAL PHENOMENON, and I will show this by A, B, C
Body (multiple paragraphs):Uses the primary sources as evidence to support your argument
Uses the secondary source to help explain your evidence and support your argument
Works Cited PageMust-Dos:
Your essay must have a clear Introduction, Thesis Statement, Body, Conclusion, and Works Cited
You essay must use proper Citation using 
You must build an argument that links your site and primary sources to the secondary sources and larger course themes
Your argument must be based on the evidence from the primary and secondary sources
Consult the rubric Formatting:
1,200 – 1,500 words (NOT INCLUDING WORKS CITED)
Cite in Chicago Manual of Style – In text
12 point, Times New Roman font
Double-spaced, 1-inch (2.54 cm) margins
Header on 1st page only with Name
Page numbers at the bottom of each page
Upload in .doc, .docx, or .pdf format onlyHigh Quality News Sites/Resources:
These sites are generally trustworthy news and magazine sites:

 (Index of Multiple Canadian Newspapers)


Tips and Suggestions:
The Research Question is at the centre of this paper. A good research question tries to find the LINKS between your SITE and your chosen GEOGRAPHY:How?
What is the relationship?
What are the causes?
What is the link between these? 
EXAMPLE:Q: How is the CN Tower as a massive site of tourism and infrastructure related to Canada’s urban geography? 
 Thesis Statement: The CN Tower is an example of the development of largescale infrastructure projects in Canada’s cities as part of the concentration of population and economic activity. I will demonstrate this in this paper by giving examples of how the CN tower is seen as being central to the identity and geography of Toronto. 


Assignment 2: Critical Geographical AnalysisAssignment 2: Critical Geographical AnalysisCriteriaRatingsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTopic FocusIncludes how students deal with the central topic of their site and Canadian regional geographyThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization and LegibilityHow the paper is organized and if it is mainly mistake freeThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArgumentation and Source UseHow well students argue their point and their use of the sourcesThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearchHow students carry out and use research material