5435 Short Es

In your textbook on page 7, it discusses a few famous people who have a disability. You are to select two of those people, or two other famous people with a disability. For each famous person chosen to discuss, you will need to have the following information: describe the disability/telling what it is/definition, how their disability has had a positive and/or negative influence on their lives, and give background information about the person (their age, where they are from, where they currently live, what they are doing now, successes, etc.).Your essay needs to be 3 pages in length, (this does not include your reference page) 12 font, times new roman, double space






Required Textbook:  Hardman, M. L., Egan, M. W., & Drew, C. J. (2014). Human exceptionality: School, community, and family. (12th ed.) Cengage Learning 


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