6-1 Discussion: Pricing Tactics


Pricing and product managers in many large organizations, like the ones in the three case studies for the final project, deal with complex pricing situations. Often, these companies will charge different prices for different sales units or will need to price differently for different but related lines of product. Employing varied price structures allows managers the opportunity to earn more profit than if they had relied on more basic pricing strategies such as single pricing.For this discussion, identify and share with classmates the pricing tactics used by the company in your selected case study for the final project. What form of price discrimination does your company use? Comment on whether you believe this is the best pricing structure for the company. What other strategies might managers employ to maximize profit?In your reply posts, evaluate how other students are interpreting the pricing situations in their companies/case studies. Share suggestions and/or offer insights that they might not consider.Note: Your required case studies are available as part of your custom e-text in Vital Source.  They are listed at the end of the text, and can be located by either searching for the name of the case study using the search function, or by locating the title of the Case in the Table of Contents.Refer to the  for directions on completing these discussions.