6 responses 75 words each

A B   The Deficit Approach

According  to, The Deficit Model Is Harming Your Students, well-intentioned  educators sometimes fall into the trap of a deficit approach to students  and their learning. In your own words, define the deficit approach.  Have you seen the deficit approach in your school experience? Do you  believe it is something to be concerned about as a future teacher? Why  or why not?

Am Br The “tough” subjects

What  are some of the tough subjects or tough questions that are not  typically addressed in school? Why is it often difficult to approach  these subjects?


Hello  All, I hope everyone is well. In the scenario presented, number one, I  would be very embarrassed, and concerned for how my superior would  perceive this. I would not want my reputation, hard work, and genuine  drive for my passion in the profession to be compromised due to this  incident. I would speak directly to my superior, in this case, Connie,  and be forthcoming and sincere in my delivery.

I  would explain that although this joke was sent to her email, it was  not meant for her, and I should not have been exchanging jokes during  work hours much less in the work environment or platform. Essentially, I  would be honest and direct, admit my wrongdoing, and simply ask Connie  what can be done on my part moving forward.

This  interferes and contradicts with the Model Code of Ethics in that, it  undermines the responsibility to the profession in being consistent for  accountability, responsibility for competence, being held to high  standards, responsibility to students, as well as the school community.

Mistakes  will happen, that is life, however, when something intentionally done  is carried out, knowing, it is wrong, against the rules, or better  judgement, it is unacceptable; at the very least the individual should  admit, apologize, and seek a solution moving forward, that is, if the  superior or boss, provides he or she with a second chance.

The  Professional Dispositions of Learners has also been compromised  regarding advocacy, dedication, high expectations, and respect to school  community/staff.

Ama Bru

Why  is it important to teach using culturally competent and relevant texts,  resources, and materials? What are the benefits of using culturally  competent materials in the classroom? Provide specific examples.


Professor and Class,

Depending  on the grade and age of the students, I as an educator would make the  proper adjustments to the curriculum. Sometimes, providing resources to  particular cultures has proven to be difficult, I would do my best to  provide the resources, as well as move away from any standardized  testing that I could. To assess the different cultural backgrounds, I  would apply the different cultural instruments, as well as ask for the  assistance of diverse individuals to help me put together a more  unbiased curriculum. This would hopefully provide a better outcome, as  well as higher grades in minorities, and a possible change in criteria  when creating culturally biased curriculums while raising awareness.


Hello Professor and Class,

I  would address the culturally biased curriculum in a professional manner  and communicate my concerns to the administration. I would discuss with  administration how I feel very uncomfortable with the curriculum and  concerned that it may be harmful for students because it is biased  towards race, ethnicities and cultures of others and it stereotypes  students which can make them feel as if they don’t belong as well as  negatively impact their self confidence and self esteem. I would ask  administration if I could use alternative curriculum that positively  depicts a range of cultures, so that all students feel important and  that they belong.