6 Responses to answer [60 words each] use the initial.

 G R

Science and math can be combined in a variety of ways. In fact, children use science and math almost exclusively together. One way students use math and science together is through Analyzing and interpreting data and Using mathematics and computational thinking (Bass, Carin & Contant, 2017). For example, when students look at a chart in math that may be about science (i.e. percentage of rainfall in a given area), students must look at analyze the science chart to figure out the mathematical computation behind it.

In simpler ways, students use tools in math and science exclusivelya ruler. Students can measure simple things, like a plant root (Bass, Carin & Contant, 2017). Science and math are always interconnected, and that is important for students to realize.

In continuation, science and math can be connected in simple ways, like measuring a plant or analyzing a chart. In my classroom, I can have students compare the size of different leaves from different plants, or trees. Simple activities like this would provide students extra practice on measuring, as well as allow them to learn about different plants in our world.


Bass, J. E., Carin, A. A., & Contant, T. L. (2017). Teaching science through inquiry and investigation (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. ISBN-13: 9780134515472



 F M

Good Morning,

To enhance the knowledge as well as understanding and skills of Science, the teacher can teach both Math and Science, or the two teachers can collaborate together to make things easier.  This integration will help students to see the bigger picture of the two concepts.  When it comes to these tow, it is important that students understand that both Math and Science are important components to life.  When students are able to realize this, they will have a better understanding of what they are learning.

An example which may be used in my future classroom could be, challenging the students to think of what they would like to be in the future.  Providing examples of what some professionals do, such as a nurse.  They must be able to dilute a medicine according to the patients weight in order to provide the right dosage.  This will be a simple example of utilizing Science and Math. 

 M G

Science and Math instruction are connected in ways that enhance knowledge and skills in the classroom. Thus, the increase of STEAM and STEM across school districts in the United States. Science and Math both require a critical thinking skill that involves process, steps, evaluation, experiments, and application. While Science is about inquiry and theory, math applies this, as stated Science is the application of math! For example, in the subject of geometry. Geometric principles such as symmetry, reflection, and structure can start with the foundations of atomic levels, but in math geometry is proving this. In order to provide accurate results on what makes a shape symmetric, and its structure, it needs to be calculated, therefore math comes into the subject! In my future elementary classroom, I will be using more hands-on approach to science and math in order for students to better understand how these two subjects work together. One example I can use is during a lesson on sinking and floating. In Science, students will observe, predict, and then experiment. In Math, they will need to record their findings. Through this, students will be using a graph to organize so they may finally analyze it.


Johnson, B. (2011). How to Creatively Integrate Science and Math. Retrieved from

part 2

 Ma Ga

Writing is an important feature to incorporate across all subjects since it is used as a tool that allows thoughts or evidence to be recorded and written down. In Science and writing, I would first explain that it is important to record all findings in the scientific process, therefore we must write. Whether, it is a prediction, an observation, writing it down helps to later analyze so that this information is saved and used later on.

In science and writing, I would explore writing in this objective in Kindergarten:

Students will draw pictures to represent part of a story.

An example would be learning about the lifecycle of a butterfly in Kindergarten. Students will be learning about the lifecycle of a butterfly and with their early literacy skills, they will be able to label each stage. In this activity, students are recalling information about what they have learned in the lifecycle of a butterfly. Although it is not written text/word form, it is a drawing that represents their interpretation of how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly. This is still recording data and part of a story so it can be later looked at. However, in a first-grade class, I would require at least one complete sentence to explain their drawing in each stage because in first grade, students will have a more in-depth concept of writing complete sentences.

 Ca Ma

Writing in science supports the construction of new scientific understanding because it gives students the opportunity to articulate their thinking as they engage in the science practices during an investigation (exploratorium.edu, n.d.) Ways to do this are by using ticket out the door, journals and lab reports, and science picture of the day. Ticket out the door could be just to answer one question or multiple questions. Another good thing to do would be to do science picture of the day. I would give the students a picture and then they will write the observations. I feel like this is a good activity to do at the beginning of class. I feel like I could us journals in my classroom in the future. Journals are good for interaction and telling what you have done every day.

Exploratorium.edu. (n.d). Science Writing: A Tool for Learning Science and Developing Language. https://www.exploratorium.edu/education/ifi/inquiry-and-eld/educators-guide/science-

 Ab Jo

Hi Professor and Class,

Just like math and science are easy to work together, so are writing and science. Writing in science can be used in many ways to support new understanding. Using writing to support knowledge in science helps give students the opportunity to articulate their thinking while also engage them in the applicaiton of a science activity. One way this can be done in the classroom is have a daily exploration. Each day you will put science picture or fact of the day and students will need to write a response in their daily writing journal. This would provide students with a great opportunity to apply science and writing while also touching on analsis, observation, and critical thinking. 


English language arts standards ” Science & technical subjects ” Grade 6-8. (n.d.). Retrieved March 28, 2021, from .

Exploratorium.edu. (n.d). Science Writing: A Tool for Learning Science and Developing Language. https://www.exploratorium.edu/education/ifi/inquiry-and-eld/educators-guide/science-