
Social Work Intervention with Older Adults Paper (25 % of the grade)

The paper is a major component of your grade in this course. The assignment requires you to consider one particular social work intervention with older adults and its effectiveness with this population. Examples of possible interventions include but not limited to are intervention with older adults who have cognitive problems (dementia, depression, delirium, mental retardation),  older adults with physical problems and functional decline, older adults who are lesbian, gay or transgendered, older adults from immigrant and Hispanic cultures, older adults who are abused, neglected and exploited, older adults who are under hospice care or dealing with end of life issues, older adults who require services in the community to maintain independence, older adults needing support systems, older adults who suffer from alcohol or drug substance, older adults who are in facilities such as nursing homes, assisted living environments or state run facilities, older adults with socio-emotional issues.  These are just a few areas to consider.  There are other areas as well that you can choose to discuss in the paper. 

For the paper, you are to describe the social work intervention of choice, discuss the impact of this intervention and its importance with the older population.  The paper will address the specific intervention techniques of the chosen intervention as they relate to elders and sub-populations of elders.  When discussing the social work intervention, you will be sure to tie in the social work guidelines for values, ethics and rights when working with the older adult population.  You will include a discussion of these social work values and evaluate their application in the particular intervention that you have chosen.

Paper Elements (and proposed structure):

I. Introduction (Approximately 1 to 1 pages in length)
Introductory paragraph should build the topic or thesis. Following the introductory paragraph, have a section that fully describes the social work intervention

II. Social Work Intervention Description and Analysis including discussion of specific
    Intervention Techniques (Approximately 3 to 5 pages in length)
Describe and analyze the social work intervention and discuss its social, therapeutic and historical context, describe effects/impacts of the intervention with the older adult population; describe and analyze specific techniques in this intervention and the techniques effectiveness and impact with this population

III. Compare and Contrast Discussion of specific intervention techniques as they relate to elders and sub populations of elders (Approximately 1 to 2 pages in length)
Discuss similarities and differences between the intervention techniques utilized with different sub-populations of elders

IV. Values and Ethics as related to the social work intervention (Approximately 1 to 2 pages in length)
Discuss the social work values and ethics involved with this intervention and critique the intervention from this perspective

V. Conclusion (Approximately to 1 page in length)
        Concluding paragraph

Draft If you want a draft reviewed for feedback, turn it in during the class period of April 25, 2016.

Final Paper:  (Due Day May 2, 2016-LAST DAY OF CLASS)    The paper should be approximately 7 to 9 pages in length and should have at least 8 references.  Your paper needs to follow APA style for citations, syntax, structure, and spelling as these will be graded also.  Do not take information from a source without citing it: do not take more than three thoughts or ideas from one source; do not use quotes longer than 3 lines.  Before turning the paper in to me, please run it through Turnitin and revise as needed.