7.4 nutrition

Introduction to the Activity
This Evaluate writing assignment addresses Course Outcomes 4 and 5.  The writing assignment allows you to compare and contrast two popular fad diets of your choice. You have been provided examples of several fad diets, or you can include another fad diet as long as you provide references in support of your choice. Please follow the question prompts here below in creating your essay.

Please see the Readings and Materials page for review.

Instructions to Learners

Pick two fad diets. Describe each of the diets.
How are they similar? What are the differences?
If you were helping an obese client trying to lose weight, would you recommend either of these diets? Why or why not?
Your essay will be evaluated in terms of how thoroughly you:  answer the questions above; use resources to document your main points; and properly cite referenced work.  Your essay should address all of the questions above and should consist of approximately 500 words of text (approximately 2 pages of double-spaced and 12 point font of text). Be sure to include specific examples and references from this weeks readings and any additional references you would like to include. Use in-text citations and a reference list that will make up an additional page.

To successfully complete M7.4 Evaluate, you will need to organize your responses to the questions and then craft a formatted essay that includes each of the following:

A title page.
Well-developed introductory paragraph explaining the purpose of the essay and briefly referencing some of the main points/contentions offered in the essay.
The body of the essay should consist of your effort to best answer the primary questions from the assignment prompt and should consist of approximately 500 words of text (approximately 2 pages of double-spaced and 12 point font of text).  Though the method by which this is done is largely up to you, it is essential that the responses to the questions in the prompt be based upon scholarly readings and should remain at all times defensible (in an academic sense).  You have a great deal of information to draw from in creating your essay, including the assigned readings and hyperlinked sources in the Module Notes.  As is the case with every assignment in SOC221, presenting any unsubstantiated, illogical, or indefensible position will have an adverse effect on the final grade.  Please direct any questions regarding these expectations to the instructor.
A concise concluding paragraph that briefly restates both the purpose of the essay as well as some of the primary argument offered by you, the essays author.  Be sure the concluding paragraph does not introduce new information.
A list of all sources consulted the preparation of the essay.  The essay should be formatted according to APA-style documentation.  (Links to an external site.) This includes the format of the list of references.