720 DBForum_ Decisions, Decisions: The Analytics Driven Culture WK 3


Ahmed: Sections 7.1 7.9
Bartlett: Chapters 3-4
Merida pp.164-190
The Torn Kingdom (attached)
Decisions, Decisions (attached)

720 Discussion Thread:

Decisions, Decisions: The Analytics Driven Culture

After completing the required reading, provide a critical analysis discussion using your own professional work experience and learning from the reading. At the post graduate level you are not to provide a summary but rather provide a critical thinking assessment of the topic.

Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

Identify why analytics is transferrable across all industries.
Evaluate the process of integrating the data analysis into the analytics-based decision or action.
Describe how business data mining supports major decisions.
Explain why industry knowledge is vital for competing in the market place.
Explain why the role of ethical based decision-making in data analytics is important.