In this unit, we learned about the value of a leaders character and how it impacts all facets of ones leadership style. Review the previous assignments in this course, and write a reflection paper describing your primary leadership and/or coaching style, your primary conflict management style, and your emotional intelligence quotient profile. Discuss the importance of strong character in these components. Include the elements listed below in your reflection paper.

  How do your leadership, coaching, and conflict management styles work together as you lead and coach others? 

Discuss the use of social awareness strategies in order to build your emotional intelligence. 

Explain how your integrity of character can lead to motivated employees. 

Analyze the relationship between adaptive leadership styles and strong character. 

Explain how your value for differences can enable you to reach your organizational goals. 

What steps can you take to sharpen your leadership skills and continue learning?

 What have you learned from the assignments and research that will influence how you lead and coach others in the future? 

 Your completed reflection paper must be at least two pages full in length. Outside sources are not required for this assignment. If outside sources are used, please adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary