9-1: Problems: Cost Analysis and Profit Start Assignment

This assignment is intended to help you learn to do the following:

1)Recognize the concept of marginal revenue and marginal cost, and calculate optimal output decisions by utilizing calculus procedures.
2)Analyze the different market structures and the optimizing conditions within each spectrum of the perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly models.
3)Develop specific optimal output and pricing decisions for perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, and oligopoly markets.
4)Analyze the impact of monopoly behavior in determining optimal output levels and market price that will maximize the firm’s profits, and compare with efficiency conditions to the perfect competition model.

Action Items
Monopolistic Competition and Monopoly spreadsheet  download .
Monopoly vs. Competitive Market Equilibrium practice problem and solution.doc  download (This is an example problem set only; you do not need to submit this for a grade. The solution is provided.)
Perfect Competition practice problems and solution  download .  (This is an example problem set only; you do not need to submit this for a grade. The solution is provided.)

Compose a document in which you:
Complete the problem set  download .
Show all steps you used in arriving at your answer.
Submit your work by the due date indicated.

Grading Criteria

Each part of problems 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 is worth two points. Each part of problem 5 is worth three points.