Response (300-375 words) that fully addresses the prompt below.

Link1: https://www.moadsf.org/about-us/our-mission/

For link 1: Read the sections, “About Us,” “Our Mission,” “Our Focus,” and “Our Themes”

Link2: https://www.moadsf.org/meet-us-quickly/

For Link 2: Click “Full Essay” and read “The Art of Proximity” by Rahsaan “New York” Thomas

  • Then, scroll down the page to view the paintings. Click on each painting (for example, Mother of Civilization) and read the description accompanying each painting.

Assigned Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fD5Ft2t7QBI


After exploring the Museum of the African Diaspora’s website and viewing the digital exhibition, Meet Us Quickly: Painting for Justice from Prison, address the following:

  • 1.What is your overall impression of the digital exhibition?
  • 2.How is the digital exhibition related to this week’s theme, “Living in Diaspora”?
    • Be sure to reference at least ONE assigned video, or assigned reading
  • 3.Pick ONE of the paintings from the digital exhibition. How does your chosen painting reflect MoAD’s themes? Discuss TWO of out the four listed.
    • Themes: Origins, Movement, Adaptation, Transformation