CH353MHomework assignment 4 (due Wednesday Mar 25)1. At P = 1 bar liquid nitrogen boils at Tb= 77.4 K. Its heat of vaporization is?Hvap = 5577 J/mol and it can be assumed to be temperature independent. Estimate Tbthat would be measured for nitrogen at Longs Peak CO (4 345 m). Assume thattemperature of the atmosphere does not depend on the elevation and is equal to 25°C.Gaseous N2 can be considered to be an ideal gas.2. Will the ice be melting under a skater whose mass is m=100 kg if the ice temperatureis –5°C? Assume that the surface area of a skate that is in contact with the ice is equal toA = 0.05 cm × 20 cm and that the heat of melting is 6 kJ/mol. The density of ice is 0.9g/cm3 and that of liquid water is 1 g/cm3.3. The equation of state of a material is given by P(V – b) = RT where b is a constant.Derive the equation for the change of the chemical potential of this material µ ( P T ) – µ ( P0 T ) when its pressure is raised from P0 to P.4. n1 moles of compound 1 form an ideal mixture with n2 moles of compound 2. Theprocess is performed at constant P and T. Let V10 and V20 be the molar volumes of thepure compounds.(a) What is the total volume of the mixture? Is it larger smaller or the same as thetotal volume of the pure compounds?(b) What is the change of the Gibbs free energy ?G upon mixing?(c) What is ?A?(d) What is ?U ?5. Three kilograms of H2O at T=10°C are mixed with 1 kg of D2O at T=30°C and forman ideal solution. Assuming that the Cp value of D2O is the same as that of H2O (1 kcalkg-1 K-1) calculate ?S in this process.6*(10). Strictly speaking phase transitions can only take place in macroscopic objectscontaining infinite number of particles. Protein or RNA folding can be loosely viewed asphase transitions. However because RNA and proteins are microscopic objects theirthermodynamic functions do not change abruptly as expected in a true phase transition but rather in a continuous manner. The “protein folding” transition can often be detectedas a spike in the temperature dependence of the protein’s heat capacity as shown in thepicture below. Assuming that this dependence is described by the formula:? kJ ?CP = 1 15exp ? -0.16(T – 320)2 ? ??? mol K ? ??estimate the change of the enthalpy ?H and entropy ?S upon protein folding.