1. Part A.4. Describe the chemistry that was occurring in the experiment between the time when solutions A and B weremixed and STOP TIME.2. Part A.4. For kinetic trial 2 Alicia was distracted when the color change occurred but decided to record the time lapseread from her watch. Will this distraction cause an increase or decrease in the slope of the log (rate) versus log [I–]o?Explain.3. Part A Table 24.1.a. When doing the kinetic trials Susan forgot to include the deionized water. Will this omission hasten or delay theformation of the blue color in the trials (exclusive of Trial 6)? Explain.b. When doing the kinetic trials Oscar mistakenly omitted the sodium thiosulfate solution. How will this omissionchange the appearance of the resultant solution (from the mixing solutions A and B) from that of a correctly completedexperiment? Explain your reasoning.c. When doing the kinetic trials Peyton mistakenly omitted the starch solution from the kinetic trials. How will thisomission change the appearance of the resultant solution (from the mixing solutions A and B) from that of a correctlycompleted experiment? Explain your reasoning.d. Of the three chemists above which chemist will have the most accurate results? Explain.4. Part C.2. Review the plotted data.a. What is the numerical value of the y-intercept?b. What is the kinetic interpretation of the value for the y-intercept?c. What does its value equal in equation 24.8?5. State the effect that each of the following changes has on the reaction rate in this experiment—increase decrease orno effect. (Assume no volume change for any of the concentration changes.)a. An increase in the H2O2 concentration. Explain.b. An increase in the volume of water in solution A. Explain.c. An increase in the Na2S2O3 concentration. Explain.d. The substitution of a 0.5% starch solution for one at 0.2%. Explain.*6. If 0.2 M KI replaced the 0.3 M KI in this experiment how would this affect the following—increase decrease or noeffect?a. The rate of the reaction. Explain.b. The slopes of the graphs used to determine p and q. Explain.c. The value of the reaction rate constant. Explain.7. Part E.2. The temperature of the warm water bath is recorded too high. How will this technique error affect thereported activation energy for the reaction—too high or too low? Explain.8. Part E.4. Arnie’s data plot has a greater negative slope than Bill’s. Which student will record the higher activationenergy for the reaction? Describe your reasoning