Chem3231 – Organic Chemistry IIIFall 2015Assignment 1Due date: October 02 2015Determine the structure of the following compound using the spectra data attached. Explain whyyou have assigned a certain structure including a brief discussion of the features of the variousspectra that led you to your assignment. Use evidence from each spectrum in your assignment.The molecular formula of the compound is C4H8O3. 4ooo Tsooot2oot.” i*’1008ooMassSpeclrum80Nosignific€niuVsbsorptonabove nm220604020c!Hs034080′ 16012020024A280m/e13cNMRspectrumMH2 CDCI33ol’rtion){50.0DEPT cH.lcH lcHl160200120408006 (ppm)1HNMRspectrum(200MH2 COCI solulion)sllh DrO109I765432106 (ppm)