Which of the following is TRUE in regards to hedge funds

1.Which of the following is TRUE in regards to hedge funds?A) Hedge funds are very liquid.B) Hedge funds are taxed as ordinary income.C) Hedge funds are good investments for the average investor.D) Hedge fund fees are much lower than mutual fund fees.E) Hedge funds are largely unregulated.2.Which of the following is true concerning the difference between simple and compound interest?A) With compound interest interest is earned only on the original investment whereas with simple interest interest is earned on interest.B) With compound interest the assumption is that interest earned on the original investment is not reinvested. With simple interest interest is reinvested.C) Simple interest always leads to a higher ending investment value when compared to compound interest.D) Simple interest and compound interest always lead to the same ending investment value so there is no difference between the two methods.E) With simple interest interest is earned only on the original investment whereas with compound interest interest is earned on both the original investment and the accumulated interest.3.If you are buying a stock which of the following ask prices is the most attractive?A) 85.72-86.87B) 85.75-86.90C) 85.70-85.83D) 85.77-86.91E) 85.71-86.864.Your uncle needs $3 000 000 upon retirement in 22 years to live comfortably. He can invest $50 000 a year to his retirement. What interest rate would his investment need to earn in order for him to meet his goals?A) 4.7%B) 20.5%C) 8.6%D) 9.9%E) 13.3%5.Suppose your investment returns are taxed at a 40% rate. If you invest $19 000 today and expect to earn a rate of return of 9% what will your investment be worth in 25 years?A) $70 756.91B) $63 396.85C) $52 369.96D) $45 998.90E) $163 838.536.What interest rate would you have to earn if you wanted to double an investment in 12 years?A) 8.6%B) 10.3%C) 3.0%D) 16.7%E) 6.0%7.Which of the following is true regarding the financing lifecycle?A) Security offerings are typically the first source of OUTSIDE capital for a businessB) Owners typically invest after receiving bank loansC) Private Equity financing is not available until after a company has issued security offeringsD) Venture Capitalists typically make equity investments in private companiesE) Mergers & Acquisitions primarily occur before a company receives Bank Financing8.What is the following is true about the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)?A) The DJIA is a market-value weighted indexB) The DJIA is a broad measure of the performance of U.S. stocksC) The DJIA includes 500 stocksD) Apple is the biggest stock in the DJIAE) The DJIA weights stocks by their market price9.Which of the following transactions would take place in the secondary securities market?A) An investor buys a stock from another investor.B) Profits from newly issued securities benefit the issuing company not the investors.C) An investor buys an IPO stock through an investment bank.D) An investor buys a secondary offering stock from the issuing company.E) The Federal government issues treasury securities10.Barney and Betty both invested $7 500 three years ago. They both earned a 9% return however Barney earned a simple return of 9% and Betty earned a compounded return of 9%. How did this difference in compounding affect their investments’ value today?A) Barney will have $187.72 more than BettyB) Betty will have $1 964.25 more than BarneyC) Barney will have $1 964.25 more than BettyD) Their investments will be worth the sameE) Betty will have $187.72 more than Barney11.What is one of the primary roles of the SEC?A) To facilitate operational inefficiency in the marketsB) To provide investors with disclosure of material information about private companiesC) To eliminate pricing efficiency in the marketsD) To protect publicly traded companies from securities fraudE) To ensure fair and orderly markets12.A Red Herring is ______________A) the date that the registration period with the SEC endsB) the preliminary prospectus provided to the SEC before the IPOC) an advertisement about an upcoming IPOD) the underwriter’s option to sell 15% more shares at offering priceE) the underwriter’s option to sell 25% more shares at 10% above the offer price13.Which of the following is TRUE regarding financial institutions?A) Mutual Funds intermediate between Investors and MarketsB) Commercial banks intermediate between Investors and MarketsC) Investment banks intermediate between Investors and CompaniesD) Insurance Companies can be both “buy side” and “sell side” institutionsE) Investment banks have higher assets under management than Mutual Funds14.In the case of Frank Curzio versus the Chimp the Chimp was able to outperform Curzio because:A) Curzio was running a Ponzi SchemeB) the chimp chose lower risk stock than CurzioC) Curzio charged higher fees which reduced returnsD) Curzio’s analysis was based on fraudulent dataE) the data Curzio used in his analysis was already reflected in stock prices15.Which of the following actions is illegal insider trading?A) The CFO of a pharmaceutical firm finds out her company’s newest drug was not approved by the FDA.B) An employee buys stock in his company one week after the company releases its quarterly earnings.C) Clients makes a profit based on good investment strategies from their broker.D) A day trader sells his shares a few days before the price decreases.E) Friends of a CEO sell stock in the company after the CEO tells them material information unavailable to others.16.An Insurance Company’s primary source of funds is ______________ and its primary use of funds is ______________.A) Bonds DebtB) Securities DebtC) Debt ReservesD) Shares LoansE) Reserves Bonds17.If you plan to save $12 500 every year for retirement for 30 years. Assuming that you earn a 9% return on your investment compounded annually how much money will you have when you retire?A) $128 421B) $1 012 500C) $1 703 844D) $408 750E) $165 84618.What is true about the designated market maker?A) The primary role of the designated market maker is due diligence prior to the IPOB) Designated market makers exist only for the NASDAQ exchangeC) The designated market maker primarily regulates insider tradingD) The designated market maker reports to the specialist on the trading floorE) The primary role of the designated market maker is to hold inventory and to buy and sell shares of a given stock19.Which of the following is true about Initial Public Offerings (IPOs)?A) IPOs of internet companies have seen the lowest first day stock returnsB) IPO is a type of secondary offering in the capital marketsC) Venture backed IPOs perform worse than general IPOsD) Investment banks are never involved in the IPO processE) The long-term adjusted performance of IPOs is negative20.If an investment’s interest is compounded annually rather than semi-annually what will be the result on the interest earned from the investment?A) The annual compounding investment will earn half as much interest as the semi-annual compounding investmentB) The annual compounding investment will earn less interest because interest will be earned on previous interest payments less oftenC) The annual compounding investment will earn more interest because interest will be earned on previous interest payments more oftenD) The annual compounding investment will earn twice as much interest as the semi-annual compounding investmentE) There will be no difference in the interest earned only in the timing of interest payments.21.Which of the following is a consequence of well-functioning financial markets?A) Firms are more innovativeB) Investments tend to be less liquidC) Managers are less accountable for their actionsD) Investors have greater risk aversion.E) Valuation of firms is difficult22.Which of the following is TRUE about Venture Capital Financing?A) VC firms generally invest in well-established multinational companiesB) IPOs backed by Venture Capital have higher long-term returnsC) VC firms get positive returns from all their investmentsD) Upon successful IPO first round VC gets lower return than later stage VCE) VC financing is available when a company issues its secondary offering23.Which of the following statements about the Financial Life Cycle is true?A) The Long-Term (3-year) adjusted performance of IPO’s is positiveB) Stock prices always increase at the announcement of a secondary stock offeringC) Early stage VC investors (A-round) typically expect lower returns than later VC investors (C-Round)D) Access to capital markets is one of the primary reasons for a company to issue an IPOE) IPO’s are generally overpriced as first day returns are typically negative24.Ana has a goal to buy a $1 million beach house in 10 years. If she expects to make 5% in the market how much does she need to invest today to buy her beach house in 10 years?A) $95 000.00B) $79 504.57C) $613 913.25D) $620 921.32E) $762 523.9425.Which of the following is true regarding the stock and debt markets?A) The stock market is larger than the bond marketB) Investors seeking higher returns invest in stocksC) The debt market is used to measure the health of the economyD) The stock market represents the base cost of capitalE) Investors seeking more risk invest in debt26.Which will be worth more in 15 years:$250 invested today at a rate of 11%$20 invested every year at a rate of 13%A) The $20 invested every year will be worth $387.80 more in 15 yearsB) The $250 invested today will be worth $476.06 more in 15 yearsC) Both will be worth the same in 15 yearsD) The $20 invested every year will be worth $476.06 more in 15 yearsE) The $250 invested today will be worth $387.80 more in 15 years27.What is your ending balance using compound interest of an investment of $3 000 with an interest rate of 4.5% after 12 years?A) $4 426.09B) $36 000.00C) $46 392.10D) $28 300.00E) $5 087.6428.For the past 12 years Andrew has been investing $300 into the stock market at the end of every year. The value of his previous investments now is $6 000. What was the annual rate of return on Andrew’s investments?A) 8.9%B) -26.5%C) 5.0%D) 5.6%E) 6.8).For the past 20 years Jen has been investing $200 into the stock market at the end of every year. The value of her previous investments now is $8 000. What was the annual rate of return on Jen’s investments?A) 5.0%B) 8.9%C) 38.3%D) 6.8%E) 2.5%