Supply Chain Management (6th Edition) Textbook:Complete a business report about a firm / company which publicly discusses their supply chain sustainability platform. Address each point:Describe the company the industry and when the platform was initially discussed.Describe the firm’s sustainability platform with clear description of its critical elements and where it is directly linked to the supply chain organization.Which factors or drivers using the textbook as a source are in the firm’s sustainability platform?Analyze and explain if the firm’s platform was initiated based on external or internal drivers. If this isn’t stated by the firm provide your assessment using course materials.Do they have measurable supply chain targets and do they include their suppliers and outsourcers in the measures?How successful to-date is their platform in your view?Develop a minimum four-page paper which examines the topic addressing all questions with at least two references and a bibliography. Use verifiable resources and research including but not limited to annual reports SEC filings shareholder reports or communications. The cover page abstract and bibliography will not be counted to reach the minimum number of pages.