Overview “Human happiness in CPM and in HRM” This essay is about CPM’s and HRM’s

Overview“Human happiness in CPM and in HRM”This essay is about CPM’s and HRM’s contribution to organisations society and humanity. It is designed to allow students to:§ Understand the basics of contemporary people management (CPM) and HRM their function & role (textbook chapter 1 of Kramar R Bartram T & De Cieri H 2014 Human resource management in Australia– strategy people performance (5th ed.) McGraw-Hill Sydney).§ Critically discuss the two concepts of CPM/HRM versus humanity ethics and Utilitarianism.§ Explain the contribution of CPM HRM (chapter1) and ethics (chapter 15) to human beings organisations and society at large.§ Describe “Utilitarianism’s “Happiness Principle” and its implications for HRM & CPM.§ Develop analytical critical and communication skills appropriate for participating in an organisational industrial and national environment shaped by CPM/HRM and Ethics.iNote: This assessment task assures learning outcome 3.1 as follows:Course Learning Outcome 3.1Identify ethical issues in a variety of contexts and make recommendations for improved Business practice.DetailsThe ethics of contemporary people management and human resource management:§ Chapter 15 of your textbook is about “Ethics and HRM” (pp. 524-552).§ Do not sum up different versions of human ethics in your essay (this is not a report).§ Do not discuss too many issues – focus on “one” key issue and discuss this in detail.§ Do not have sub-headings in your essay.§ Write “in essay format”: “your” introduction introduces the subject at hand (how to argue).§ The ‘main body’ discusses three issues1. Utilitarianism and the“Happiness Principle” 2. what is HRM / CPM and3. how do both relate to each other;4. This is followed by a conclusion that answers this question from all this?’.5. Your essay should contain three sections: ‘what can we learn from all this?’.§1. A theoretical perspective to discuss [Utilitarianism and the Happiness PrincipleUtilitarianism: Bentham:“the greatest pleasure for the greatest number” Your action should achieve pleasure. see: Klikauer 2010: 47-67 & Klikauer 2012: (pp.159-167)2. What is HRM/CPM; and3. How the two (a & b) can be reconciled if at all.4. Essential: You Must Read – Sources (excerpts are on vUWS): Bolton S. C. & Houlihan M. 2007. Searching for the human in HRM: theory practice and workplace contexts Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.Essay Question:Please answer the following question:Utilitarianism argues that human happiness is an ethical goal.How can HRM/CPM contribute to this goal?Additional ResourcesOnline Resources:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Stuart_Millhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilitarianism_(book)Bolton S. C. & Laaser K. 2013.Work employment and society through the lens of moral economy Work Employment & Society vol. 27 no. 3 p. 508-525.Bourke J. 2011. What it means to be human: reflections from 1791 to the present Berkeley: Counterpoint (Distributed by Publishers Group West).Elsner W. 2015 January. The Well-being Happiness and Trust Issue of the Forum for Social Economics Forum for Social Economics vol. 44 no. 1 pp. 1-2.Frierson P. R. 2013. What is the human being? Abingdon: Routledge.Glock H. J. 2012. The Anthropological Difference: What Can Philosophers Do To Identify the Differences Between Human & Non-human Animals? Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement v. 70 p. 105-131.Helliwell J. Layard R. & Sachs J. 2013. World Human Happiness Report 2013 New York: Sustainable Development Solution Network &unsdsn.org & VUWSJohnsen R. & Gudmand-Høyer M. 2010. Lacan & the lack of humanity in HRM Organization (17)3: 331-344.Klikauer T 2010. Critical management ethics Palgrave Basingstoke UK.Klikauer T 2012. Seven management moralities Palgrave Basingstoke UK.Klikauer T. 2014.HRM & Kohlberg’s Scale of Moral Development Philosophy of Management 13(1) 73-95.Karlsson J. 2012. Organizational misbehaviour in the workplace: narratives of dignity and resistance Basingstoke: Palgrave.Kramar R Bartram T & De Cieri H 2014 Human resource management in Australia–strategy people performance (5th ed.) McGraw-Hill Sydney. [Chapters 1 and 5.]Lavenda R. H. & Schultz E. A. 2013. Anthropology: what does it mean to be human?(2nd). New York: Oxford University Press.Mackay H. 2013. The Good Life Sydney: Macmillan Publishers Aus.Mackinnon B. 2013. Ethics(2nd ed.) Boston: Wadsworth.MacIntyre A. 1999. Social Structure & Their Threats to Moral Agency Philosophy vol. 74 no. 3 p. 311-329.Nussbaum M. & Sen A. 1993. The Quality of Life Oxford: Clarendon Press.Pasternak C. (eds.) 2007.Whatmakesus human? Oxford: Oneworld Publishing.Rowntree B. S. 1921. The human factor in business London: Longmans Green &Co.Ryff C. D. 1989. Happiness is everything or is it? Explorations on the meaning of psychological well-being Journal of personality and social psychology vol. 57 no.6 p. 1069-1081.Ryde L. & Sofianos. L. 2014. Creating Authentic Organizations: Bringing Meaning & Engagement Back to Work London: Kogan.Schrijvers J. 2004. The Way of the Rat– A Survival Guide to Office Politics London: Cyan BooksShaw WH & Barry V 2010 Moral issues in business Wadsworth Belmont.Therborn G. 2011. Introduction: Humankind and Its World in: The world: a beginner’s guide Cambridge: Polity.Velasques MG 2012 Business ethics– concepts and cases (7th ed.) Pearson Boston.White M. D. 2013. The Pursuit of a Measure of Happiness Review of Social Economy v. 71 n. 4 p. 534-539.London: Cyan BooksShaw WH & Barry V 2010 Moral issues in business Wadsworth Belmont.Therborn G. 2011. Introduction: Humankind and Its World in: The world: a beginner’s guide Cambridge: Polity.Velasques MG 2012 Business ethics– concepts and cases (7th ed.) Pearson Boston.White M. D. 2013. The Pursuit of a Measure of Happiness Review of Social Economy v. 71 n. 4 p. 534-539.General essay requirements1. Use the “Essay Writing Guide” as supplied to you on vUWS.2. The length of your essay is 1 500 words.3. The essay should answer the question using a clear structure (introduction body and conclusion and no dot points) split into the size of roughly one quarter for introduction half for main body and one quarter for conclusion.4. It must demonstrate evidence of wide reading5. A minimum of 10 (five in CPM/HRM/management/business and five in ethics anthropology etc.) academic references are required.6. Note that most Internet sites are popular references are not academic references. However the use of online academic journals contained in the e-collections of the UWS Library website is acceptable and indeed strongly encouraged.7. Avoid quoting your textbook.8. Check e-resources listed in this unit outline and available through the UWS Library portal.9. The essay must use the Harvard system of referencing to indicate all sources of information and include an alphabetised reference list of those sources cited in the essay.10. Do not use Wikipedia as a source for any work undertaken in this unit. Citation of this source will be penalised by way of a loss of marks or more severe penalty.11. Students should refer to the additional resources available at the HRM vUWS web site.12. On moral philosophy refer to the highly regarded expert website: plato.stanford.edu.13. Students must use the Individual Written Paper/ Individual Essay Marking Guide in this learning guide to self-evaluate their case study prior to its submission.14. A copy of this guide is to be attached to your individual written paper prior to its submission.15. You can use Turnitin (http://library.uws.edu.au/turnitin.php) but your essay needs to be submitted as “HARD COPY” to your lecturer/tutor in class.