Capella BSN4014 All Discussions latest 2016 December

Capella BSN4014 Unit 1 Discussion 1 & 2 latest 2016 December dq 1 Our Global Community Resources Reflect on the global community we live in and consider the following: What health issue do you feel has the greatest impact on the world today? What is the attitude of the United States toward this health issue? Is this an issue in your state or in your community? How might nursing influence the outcome of this issue? Your initial post should be about 150 words referenced with at least one APA-formatted reference. It can be a text any assigned readings or a reference you find on your own through the Capella Library. Response Guidelines Review the posts and respond to the post of at least one fellow learner. Your response post must answer the following questions: Is the health issue they have identified in the state/community in which you live? Can you suggest any additional ways that nursing might influence the outcome of the issue? Response post should be about 75 words but may be longer. If you are responding with a personal perspective or an example from your workplace experience you are not required to cite a source. However if you offer an alternative viewpoint or refer to the ideas or work of others in your response to a classmate your response must be supported with an outside source which you must cite using APA style. dq 2 Public Health Services Resources Consider the following for your initial post: Describe the public health services offered in your community. Do these services adequately meet the needs of the residents who use the services? What is the role of the public health nurse? How could the scope of services be expanded? Your initial post should be about 150 words referenced with at least one APA-formatted reference. It can be a text any assigned readings or a reference you find on your own through the Capella Library. Response Guidelines Review the posts and respond to the post of at least one fellow learner. Compare the public health services in their communities to the public health services in your community and reflect on the following: How are they different? What similarities do you see? One additional suggestion for improving the scope of services offered. Response post is to be about 75 words but may be longer. If you are responding with a personal perspective or an example from your workplace experience you are not required to cite a source. However if you offer an alternative viewpoint or refer to the ideas or work of others in your response to a classmate your response must be supported with an outside source which you must cite using APA style. Capella BSN4014 Unit 2 Discussion 1 & 2 latest 2016 December dq 1 Health Programs Resources From your readings select a national public sector (government) health program and an international health program and discuss the following: Describe the programs to include the scope and goals of the programs. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both programs. How could these programs be improved? Your initial post should be about 150 words referenced with at least one APA-formatted reference. It can be a text any assigned readings or a reference you find on your own through the Capella Library. Response Guidelines Respond to a post of at least one fellow learner. Consider the following: Are there other advantages or disadvantages that you can see? What other suggestions can you offer for improving these programs? Your response post should be about 75 words but may be longer. If you are responding with a personal perspective or an example from your workplace experience you are not required to cite a source. However if you offer an alternative viewpoint or refer to the ideas or work of others in your response to a classmate your response must be supported with an outside source which you must cite using APA style. dq 2 World Hunger Resources Globally malnutrition is a major public health concern especially in developing countries. In your post: Discuss the influence of food insecurity on the health status of Americans. Identify types of food insecurity and the populations most affected. Identify what types of hunger-reduction programs exist both nationally and globally. How do these programs differ? Your initial post should be about 150 words referenced with at least one APA-formatted reference. It can be a text any assigned readings or a reference you find on your own through the Capella Library. Response Guidelines Respond to a post of at least one fellow learner and consider the following: Do they discuss programs that are different from the ones you discussed or the same? What similarities are there in these programs? Your response post should be about 75 words but may be longer. If you are responding with a personal perspective or an example from your workplace experience you are not required to cite a source. However if you offer an alternative viewpoint or refer to the ideas or work of others in your response to a classmate your response must be supported with an outside source which you must cite using APA style. Capella BSN4014 Unit 3 Discussion 1 latest 2016 December Riverbend City: Cultural Competence Resources Watch the Riverbend City: Cultural Competence Mission for this unit. Consider the following: How did the differences in beliefs and values influence the situation? What actions might the staff at RCMC have taken to avoid the confusion? What is the likely outcome of the situation? Discuss the importance of being culturally competent and support your position with references to your unit readings and one resource not required for this course. Your initial post should be about 150 words referenced with at least one APA-formatted reference. It can be a text any assigned readings or a reference you find on your own through the Capella Library. Response Guidelines Review and respond to post of at least one fellow learner. Respond by considering the following: Do you all agree as to the likely outcome of the situation? Are the actions your peers suggest different from the actions you suggested? How would these actions influence the likely outcome? Your response post should be about 75 words but may be longer. If you are responding with a personal perspective or an example from your workplace experience you are not required to cite a source. However if you offer an alternative viewpoint or refer to the ideas or work of others in your response to a classmate your response must be supported with an outside source which you must cite using APA style. Capella BSN4014 Unit 4 Discussion 1 & 2 latest 2016 December dq 1 Epidemiology Resources Select a community/population-based health problem common in your state and consider the following: Describe the epidemiology of the problem to include incidence and prevalence rates groups affected by the problem differences in the distribution of the problem based on group affiliation (for example is the problem more common among European Americans Hispanic Americans African Americans? And so on) and local and state programs that address the problem. Using the Model of Ecologic Systems discuss the influence of the micro and macro system factors on the problem (for example what macrosystem factors exacerbate the problem what microsystem factors minimize or exacerbate the problem include why you think the factors affect the problem). Your initial post should be about 150 words referenced with at least one APA-formatted reference. It can be a text any assigned readings or a reference you find on your own through the Capella Library. Response Guidelines For this discussion respond to the post of at least one fellow learner who lives in a different state and has identified a different health problem. Research the prevalence of the health problem you identified in the other learner’s state. Discuss the differences and similarities of your findings then research the prevalence of the health problem your peer identified in your state and discuss your findings. Your response post should be about 75 words but may be longer. If you are responding with a personal perspective or an example from your workplace experience you are not required to cite a source. However if you offer an alternative viewpoint or refer to the ideas or work of others in your response to a classmate your response must be supported with an outside source which you must cite using APA style. dq 2 Global Citizenship Resources Before we can deliver culturally competent care we must understand the value of culturally competent care and consider the following: What is cultural humility? What does it mean to be a global citizen? What is the relationship between cultural humility and global citizenship? How might these concepts facilitate effective nursing interventions to serve diverse communities? Support your position using references from your unit readings and any other research. Your initial should be about 150 words referenced with at least one APA-formatted reference. It can be a text any assigned readings or a reference you find on your own through the Capella Library. Response Guidelines Your response post should be about 75 words but may be longer. If you are responding with a personal perspective or an example from your workplace experience you are not required to cite a source. However if you offer an alternative viewpoint or refer to the ideas or work of others in your response to a classmate your response must be supported with an outside source which you must cite using APA style. Capella BSN4014 Unit 5 Discussion 1 latest 2016 December Healthy People Resources For this discussion question you will need to select one of the scenarios presented in the “Scenarios for Health People Discussion” linked in the resources as well as visit the Healthy People 2020 before completing the following: Identify one Healthy People 2020 objective and develop one culturally competent primary prevention health teaching program applicable to your scenario. Your plan must also include one specific nursing intervention a rationale for the intervention and how you will evaluate the intervention. As you develop your plan please be sure to consider all relevant factors such as biological and environmental influences on health cultural influences and lifestyle influences. Limit the length of your plan to between 200 and 500 words. Response Guidelines Review a fellow learner’s post. Choose one post and evaluate its plan while considering the following: Have they offered a sound rationale for each intervention? Have they considered all relevant factors? Your response post should be about 75 words but may be longer. If you are responding with a personal perspective or an example from your workplace experience you are not required to cite a source. However if you offer an alternative viewpoint or refer to the ideas or work of others in your response to a classmate your response must be supported with an outside source which you must cite using APA style. Capella BSN4014 Unit 6 Discussion 1 & 2 latest 2016 December dq 1 Riverbend City: Vulnerable Populations Mission Resources Review the Riverbend City: Vulnerable Populations Mission for this discussion. The Vulnerable Populations Mission is focused on the Ruby Lake community. Within the community is a nursing home where many of the residents have mobility issues—they ambulate walkers are in wheelchairs and/or immobile. Additionally there is a large Hispanic population that does not speak and/or understand English several families with children with special needs (such as autism attention deficit disorder and so on) and mothers with infants toddlers and school age children. In the wake of a disaster the residents of the Ruby Lake community are frightened and unsure about what is happening. However the residents must be evacuated as the disaster might lead to injury and possible death. As a public health nurse you must decide how to handle the situation make difficult decisions and prioritize the evacuation of the residents of the Ruby Lake community. For this discussion prioritize the order in which you will evacuate the residents of the Ruby Lake community and explain your choices. How will you communicate the need to evacuate with each population? What resources will you use to help with the evacuation? How can you make sure that everyone leaves? What will you do if someone refuses to leave because they do not fully understand the severity of the situation? Also discuss the ethical issues that a public health nurse will face in this disaster response situation. How would you address these ethical issues? Support your position with references from your unit readings and any additional peer-reviewed journal. Response Guidelines Respond to a post of at least one fellow learner as though you are the Director of Public Health Nursing. Consider the following: Could you accept the list based on the explanation? Can you offer any suggestions to assist with communicating with the Ruby Lake population? Your response post should be about 75 words but may be longer. If you are responding with a personal perspective or an example from your workplace experience you are not required to cite a source. However if you offer an alternative viewpoint or refer to the ideas or work of others in your response to a classmate your response must be supported with an outside source which you must cite using APA style. dq 2 Planning for Emergencies Resources Effective disaster preparedness includes a pre-event plan. Community/public health nurses can facilitate effective disaster response by ensuring they have disaster plans for their families their social groups and/or their workplace. Consider your own family and reflect on the following: What would you do in the event of a disaster? Would you evacuate? Would you spend time gathering precious memories? What information do you feel would be critical to have to ensure appropriate care for your loved ones? How would you ensure the safety of your children? What would you do with your pets? Develop and post your disaster plan for your family. Your initial post should be about 150 words referenced with at least one APA-formatted reference. It can be a text any assigned readings or a reference you find on your own through the Capella Library. Response Guidelines Review the plans of fellow learners and respond to at least one. Consider the following: How well have they planned? Did they include things that are different from the things you have in your plan? What kind of insights has this discussion highlighted? Your response post should be about 75 words but may be longer. If you are responding with a personal perspective or an example from your workplace experience you are not required to cite a source. However if you offer an alternative viewpoint or refer to the ideas or work of others in your response to a classmate your response must be supported with an outside source which you must cite using APA style. Capella BSN4014 Unit 7 Discussion 1 & 2 latest 2016 December Assessing the Needs of a Community Resources In Unit 3 you submitted a Windshield Survey of your community. A Windshield Survey is just one method a community/public health nurse can use to assess the health of a community. For this discussion consider the following: Identify the strengths and limitations of the Problem-Oriented Single Population and Familiarization approaches to community assessment. How do they compare to the Windshield Survey in relation to providing the best health care services for a community? Your initial post is to be about 150 words referenced with at least one APA-formatted reference. It can be a text any assigned readings or a reference you find on your own through the Capella Library. Response Guidelines Respond to a post of at least one fellow learner. What additional advantages or limitations to these approaches can you identify? Your response post should be about 75 words but may be longer. If you are responding with a personal perspective or an example from your workplace experience you are not required to cite a source. However if you offer an alternative viewpoint or refer to the ideas or work of others in your response to a classmate your response must be supported with an outside source which you must cite using APA style. Capella BSN4014 Unit 8 Discussion 1 latest 2016 December Health Care Delivery Systems Resources Compare private and socialized health care delivery systems in relation to how these systems provide public/community health programs for special populations. This is not a political discussion and your post needs to address the effectiveness and ineffectiveness benefits and limitations of bothsystems in providing health care to special populations. Your initial post is to be about 150 words referenced with at least one APA-formatted reference. It can be a text any assigned readings or a reference you find on your own through the Capella Library. Response Guidelines Keeping in mind that this is not a political discussion respond to at least one fellow learner. The post must reflect the following: Did they effectively discuss both systems? Can you suggest additional benefits and/or limitations? Your response post should be about 75 words but may be longer. If you are responding with a personal perspective or an example from your workplace experience you are not required to cite a source. However if you offer an alternative viewpoint or refer to the ideas or work of others in your response to a classmate your response must be supported with an outside source which you must cite using APA style. Capella BSN4014 Unit 9 Discussion latest 2016 December Leadership Resources True leaders possess a variety of qualities that make them effective and efficient. Discuss the role of leadership in community/public health and how leadership (or lack of leadership) impacts the health of local and global communities. Your initial post should be about 150 words referenced with at least one APA-formatted reference. It can be a text any assigned readings or a reference you find on your own through the Capella Library. Response Guidelines Respond to at least one other learner. Provide constructive arguments that offer other viewpoints. Support your alternate viewpoints using references from your unit readings and other research. Your response post should be about 75 words but may be longer. If you are responding with a personal perspective or an example from your workplace experience you are not required to cite a source. However if you offer an alternative viewpoint or refer to the ideas or work of others in your response to a classmate your response must be supported with an outside source which you must cite using APA style. Capella BSN4014 Unit 10 Discussion 1 2 & 3 latest 2016 December dq 1 U.S. Public Health Service Resources The U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps is a cadre of active duty officers. As one of the seven uniformed services in the United States this group of active duty officers is the front line leader in advancing the science of public health. For the discussion you must: Briefly describe the role and function of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps as it relates to public health. Select a Healthy People 2020 goal/objective and discuss the role of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps in meeting that goal/objective. Include the specific agencies where Commissioned Corps nurses are employed and their roles with respect to meeting the goal/objective. Identify the group you feel is best suited to meet the goal/objective Commissioned Corps nurses or civilian public health nurses. Explain your decision and support your choice with references from peer-reviewed journals. Your initial post should be about 150 words referenced with at least one APA-formatted reference. It can be a text any assigned readings or a reference you find on your own through the Capella Library. Response Guidelines Respond to a post of at least one fellow learner as you analyze their post. Consider if they had selected a different Healthy People 2020 objective; would their choice of group best suited to meet the objective still be the same? Your response post should be about 75 words but may be longer. If you are responding with a personal perspective or an example from your workplace experience you are not required to cite a source. However if you offer an alternative viewpoint or refer to the ideas or work of others in your response to a classmate your response must be supported with an outside source which you must cite using APA style. dq 2 Western and Non-Western Health Care Resources Discuss the value of both Western and non-Western health care practices when working with diverse populations. Provide one example of how Western health care practices can be effective when working with diverse populations. Provide one example of how non-Western health care practices can be effective when working with diverse populations. Response Guidelines Respond to a post of at least one fellow learner. In your response: Determine if the post demonstrates a value of both Western and non-Western health care practices Offer one additional way that Western and non-Western health care practices can be effective when working with diverse populations. Your response post should be about 75 words but may be longer. If you are responding with a personal perspective or an example from your workplace experience you are not required to cite a source. However if you offer an alternative viewpoint or refer to the ideas or work of others in your response to a classmate your response must be supported with an outside source which you must cite using APA style. dq 3 Reflection Resources When you reflect on this course: Identify two things covered in this course that stood out for you. Discuss why these things were important to you. Discuss how these things will influence your nursing practice. Response Guidelines Review the posts of fellow learners. Are there common themes in the reflections of your peers? There is no requirement to respond to others for this reflection question but you may.