Journal 1In chapter 2 George Ritzer explains that fast food chains have become so popular because they fit with contemporary life style. In this journalentry you are going to examine whether this statement fits your own .First thinkabout your own use of fast-foodchains (such as TacoBell kFC piza Hut etc) how often do you use them and how often do you dine in carry out drive through etc.Then look at the elements of the changing society that Ritzer describes in chapter 2 . whenhe examines relationships between Mcdonaldization and social change in American society (there is a section in the chapter that covers this . We are NOT referring to thedemensions of Mc donaldization. Which one of those can you apply to your situation In other words how can you see your own life reflecting the changes Ritzer describes / Which ones do not fit . Give examples fromyour life to explain these examples .JOURNAL ENTRY 2in Chapter 3 Ritzer describes how higher education is striving for greater efficiency and is becoming what he terms a McUniversity. Think about your own educational experience and the choices you have made when it comes to education. Drawing on Ritzer’s description of the McUniversity in particular analyze your experience looking at those elements that fit with a search for greater efficiency and those that do not. Overall would you say that your education experience is efficient or not? How so?Your journal entry is worth 10% of your final grade. It should be 3 pages long using a 12-point size font double- spaced. You should use a header with your name the date the course number and “Journal Entry 2” on the first page (NO title page). You should cite and reference your textbook properly in a standard formatting style such as ASA APA or MLA. The first two pages should be your essay and the third page should be your reference list. Please consult the library resources listed in your syllabus and in your course menu to make sure you are formatting your source correctly.Submit your assignment via the Dropbox no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT. (This Dropbox basket is linked to Turnitin.)Ritzer argues that with McDonaldization technologies including “machines and tools materials skills knowledge rules regulations procedures and techniques” (p. 89) control us.Without using direct quotes summarize Ritzer’s definition of control by non-human technologies including a description of what he means by non-human technologies.Then think of one area of your life such as your job banking your education a leisure activity etc. (NOT choosing one of the areas described in the textbook) and think of how that statement may apply to that activity as you experience it. Based on this do you agree with Ritzer’s argument? Do you feel that as an employee student or customer you are overly controlled by non-human technologies in this activity?PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT a paper of the advantages of technology or about the importance of technology in contemporary life. You need to focus on the dimension of McDonaldization calledcontrol in one area ofyour own life.JOURNAL ENTRY 3You have now reviewed the five principles of McDonaldization: efficiency calculability predictability control and irrationality of rationality. You have also examined how they affect your life. In this journal entry take a synthetic look at the issue to assess the impact of McDonaldization in your life. First think about how much McDonaldization you think is present in your life providing some examples. Then consider whether you would like this to change by reflecting on the positive and negative consequences of McDonaldization for you including a consideration of our core value of community. You may want to focus on only one or two changes. Finally think about how you might go about implementing such change(s) also thinking how that might relate to the core value of community.Your journal entry is worth 10% of your final grade. It should be 3 pages long using a 12-point size font double- spaced. You should use a header with your name the date the course number and “Journal Entry 4” on the first page (NO title page). You should cite and reference your textbook properly in a standard formatting style such as ASA APA or MLA. The first two pages should be your essay and the third page should be your reference list. Please consult the library resources listed in your syllabus and in your course menu to make sure you are formatting your source correctly.Submit your assignment via the Dropboxno later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT.(This Dropbox basket is linked to Turnitin.)COURSE PRESEN TATIONDevelop a PowerPoint presentation answering the “Thinking Critically” questions listed at the end of the reading from McDonaldization: The Reader that you chose in Module 1. Instructions to create an effective and attractive PowerPoint presentation are available theCourse Presentationhandout. Your presentation is worth 10% of your final grade.Submit your assignment via the Dropboxno later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT.TIPS FOR COURSE POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONSSOC 110HAAt the beginning of class you will choose a chapter fromMcDonaldization: The Readerand then develop a PowerPoint presentation in which you will answer the “Thinking Critically” questions listed at the end of the reading. The presentation is due in Module 7. It is worth 10% of your final grade. Your grade will be based on how well you followed the guidelines below.Content:Your presentation should include the following elements:· Title slide (including title of your article your name and the course number)· Summary of the content of the article (1 slide)oPLEASE NOTE:The summary should NOT be a condensed version of Ritzer’s introductionto the text. Using his text will be considered plagiarism and result in a 0 for the assignment and be reported to the Academic Standards Committee.· At least one slide and no more than three slides for each “Thinking Critically” question at the end of the readingoPLEASE NOTE:It is recommended that you use your textbook and other valid outsidesources properly cited in ASA APA or MLA format to support your answers. The McDonaldization LibGuide contains an extensive list of books websites journal articles and other articles from newspapers and magazines that you can use. Please do NOT include videos.· References slide (list all the outside sources you used in your presentation including the reference for your article in proper ASA APA or MLA format)How to design a good PowerPoint presentation< PowerPoint is a visual tool you should make the most of it. Minimize the amount of text on the slides and combine it with pictures photos tables charts or diagrams as relevant.< Pay attention to your choice of slide design. You want something that links well to your presentation and is visually appealing but you do not want a background that competes against your content. Your instructor has to be able to read your slides.< Additionally to enhance visual appeal think about using some features in SmartArt (under the Insert tab of the PowerPoint menu) to organize your content.< When you use text do not include too much information on one slide. Instead of writing paragraphs use phrases arranged in bullet points. As a rule you should not use a font size smaller than 20 for your text. Think about using colors to make important phrases or words stand out. Think of PowerPoint as a detailed outline of what you are going to say. Summarize the key information on your slides not everything you will say.< Do NOT include direct quotes from any source. Paraphrase and summarize ideas instead. Thiswill help you control the amount of text on your slides.< Think about the sequencing of your slides. They have to flow smoothly from one to the next.< Be judicious in your use of slide animations (text that appears as you click). Using it helps keep the audience engaged but too much of it will slow down your presentation.< Preview your presentation using the Slideshow tool before submitting it. Make sure that all your content fits in the slides and your slide animations or transitions work the way you intend them to.