.0/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.gif”> MaterialsandManufacturing Assignment Due: November 20 2013 Hockey skate Steps: • Select object (not to basic or too complex) • Deconstruct into basic components • Create bill of materials • Describe the role of each component • How is the choice of material important? • What issues does the choice of materials raise? • What alternative materials could be substituted? How would the design or other factors be affected. • Do not forget that two pieces might be joined together. Report: Writeareport(notmorethan5pages)(a)explainingtheobjectselected (imageoftheobjectwill help) (b)describe theroleofeachcomponent (c)materialselected foreachcomponent and why (d) what issues does the choice of material raise (e) what alternative materials could be substituted and how would the design or other factors be affected (f) outline in detail the manufacturing method of each component (g) how is this device likely to fail. The object that I have chosen is a hockey skate