What does the phrase “exchange relationship

Please answer the following questions. All questions carry equal marks. Please note that the layout of your answer to the questions should be in essays format. The passing rate is over 80 over 100. 1) What does the phrase “exchange relationship” mean in relation to marketing ? 2) A Sales manager at the ABC Service Inc. was required to track important marketing metrics each quarter. Give two examples of the marketing metrics this sales manager might export. 3) Tupperware uses a business model that relies on women running their own business as agents of Tupperware. Tupperware successfully exports to China and India. Explain why these countries provide attractive markets for Tupperware. 4) How does a marketing decision support system (MDSS) differ from a marketing information system (MIS) ? Why might a marketer want to use an MDSS in addition to an MIS ? 5) What is the difference between green marketing and greenwashing ? 6) How might a company in the B2B market use a private exchange ? 7) A large Chain amusement park sales tickets at its main gate for guests who are visiting the park for just that one day. The park also sells seasonal passes that can only be used on weekdays .What market segmentation is being implemented by the amusement park > 8) Why is reselling the customer an important part of the confirmation after the adoption if ab innovation ? 1) A firm’s is determined by the number of separate items within the same category. a) Brand equity b) product mix width c) product line length d) product quality e) product mix 2) The sales peak typically occurs during which stage of the product life cycle ? a) Introduction b) youth c) development d) maturity e) leveling 3) Is an agreement between two brands to work together in marketing a new product. a) Manufacturer branding b) Cobranding c) Franchising d) Family branding e) Aggregated branding 4) A firm’s shunk works departments would most likely be located . a) In a central part of the firm’s main office building b) in the most productive section of the company c) away from the firm’s traditional offices d) at the headquarters of the firm’s largest customer e) as close as possible to the firm’s communication specialists. 5) Kodak markets cameras cameras film X-ray film and equipment printers motion picture film and batteries. Kodak is likely to have who coordinate the mix of the product lines. a) Brand managers b) product category managers c) venture teams d) communication teams e) market managers 6) Services means that customers cannot see touch or smell good services a) Perishability b) variability c) intangibility d) responsiveness e) inseparability 7) Which of the following is NOT a category on the service continuum ? a) Goods – dominated products b) service- dominated goods c) equipment-based services d) facility-based services e) people-based service. 8) People places and ideas are all that often need to be “sold” by someone and “bought” by someone else. a) Tangibles b) goods c) intangibles d) values e) benefits. 9) Which of the following is a service industry in the United Sates that is likely to see growth due primarily to demographic changes > a) Living assistance for seniors b) babysitting services for baby boomers c) health services for medical tourists d) technology consulting for business e) database services for businesses. 10) In 2001 the United Methodist Church budgeted $4 million for ads to encourage former church members to return to church. This ad campaign is an example of . a) Product improvement b) market fulfillment c) place marketing d) people marketing e) idea marketing 11) The value of something we give up in order to obtain something else is referred to as a(n) . a) Transformation cost b) opportunity cost c) exchange d) variable cost e) marginal cost 12) When setting prices a company must consider factors in its pricing environment. Such as the business cycle economic growth and consumer confidence can have a significant impact on the firm’s pricing strategies. a) Consumer trends b) Economic trends c) Competitors’ responses d) Regulations e) market structures 13) A quantity discount is a price reduction to buyers who purchase . a) Frequently b) large volumes c) close outs d) bundled products e) seasonal products. 14) When Home Depot stores entered in Canadian market there were already stores providing similar services and products. To get people to try the Home Depot stores the chain deliberately sold merchandise below the price that the Canadians were used to. What type of pricing objective did Home Depot use ? a) Market share b) profit c) competitive effect d) customer satisfaction e) image enhancement 15) Savings for You a discount retail chain is highly competitive. When entering a new market Savings for You often cuts prices so deeply that it sells below costs effectively pushing smaller companies with less purchasing power out of the market. Saving of You is most at of being accused of . a) Skimming prices b) price-fixing c) predatory pricing d) deceptive pricing e) loss leader pricing. 16) Is a strategic business process that marketers use to plan develop execute and evaluate coordinated measurable persuasive brand communication programs over time to targeted audiences. a) Integrated marketing communications (IMC) b) A push strategy c) A pull strategy d) database marketing e) Experiential marketing. 17) Contest and coupons are both types of . a) Indirect marketing b) sales promotion c) personal selling d) public relations e) advertising 18) The series of stages through which a marketer attempts to guide a consumer is called the . a) Promotional mix b) marketing mix c) hierarchy of effects d) AIDA mode e) push-pull mode 19) Tara Keegan owns Live Well a small chain of health stores offering a variety of natural health products and related services. In order to implement integrated marketing communications Tara has hired a marketing communications director whose job it will be ensure that each will deliver a consistent and positive message to consumers about the company. a) Public relations message b) touchpoint c) advertisement d) logo e) media vehicle 20) An established retail clothing shore in a town with a large university wants to quickly increase the number of college students who shop at the store. Which of the following would be the best way to offer a sales promotion to this target market ? a) Run coupons in the local daily newspaper b) buy an online ad on the university newspaper’s homepage announcing a 10% discount for students who show a school ID c) product a commercial and buy airtime on local television channels d) sponsor an organization or event at the university in a public relations effort e) use shilling to create buzz for the store 21) What type of advertising delivers a message that focuses on a specific good or service ? a) Retail advertising b) product advertising c) institutional advertising d) brad placement e)advocacy advertising 22) The central idea of an ad is expressed in its . a) Media vehicle b) media schedule c) reach d) advertising appeal e) message objective 23) is the communication function that seeks to build good relationships with an organization’s publics. a) Advertising b) mass marketing c) public relations d) promotions e) customer service 24) Which of the following types of sales promotions would NOT be offered to a final consumer ? a) Rebated b) push money c) bonus packs d) sweepstakes e) premiums 25) Toro ran a clever preseason promotion on some of its snow blower models offering some money back if the snowfall in the buyer’s market area turned out to be below average This is an example of a . a) Rebate b) premium c) prick-off pack d) continuity program e) sweepstake 26) Which of the following is a discount to the retailer or wholesaler based on the volume of product ordered ? a) Merchandising allowance b) case allowance c ) forward buying allowance d) push money e) incentive program 27) What type of software do salespeople use to track all aspects of customer interaction ? a) TQM (total quality management) b) CRM (customer relationship management) C) DRM (direct response management) d) PR (public relations) e) JIT just in time) 28) In which step of the selling process are salespeople most likely to take advantage of multimedia technologies to support their verbal message > a) Prospect b) preapproach c) follow-up d) quality e) sales presentation 29) A(n) is a salesperson’s write-up of her completed sales activity. a) Expenses report b) behavioral objective c) performance objective d)sales quota e) call report 30) Lyall Electric Inc. maintains a sales force for its small appliance customers and a separate sales force for its automotive customers. Lyall Electric utilizes a(n) sales force structure. a) Intensive b) geographic c) industry specialization d) product e) performance 31) When a company uses it brings in an external company to run some of its essential. a) Outsourcing b) insourcing c) conventional marketing d) logistics management e) a vertical marketing system 32) Rack jobbers are limited-service merchant wholesalers who would most likely handle which of the following ? a) Imported plants b) precious minerals c) agricultural products d) perishable food items e) magazines 33) A corporate VMS has the advantage of controlling the entire distribution chain under . a) A profit-maximizing strategic plan b) single ownership c) mass distribution d) a limit number of intermediaries e) contractual agreements 34) Though the use of . a company is able to know exactly where a product is located within the distribution channel. a) EPR b) RFID c) PRM d) VMS e) JIT 35) Which of the following modes of transportation would most likely be used to quickly haul lettuce from California where it was grown to markets in Nevada ? a) Trucks b) railroads c) air d) pipeline e) water 36) Which of the following best explains why new retailer after squeeze out older retailers ? a) Retail borrowing b) the wheel-of –retailing hypothesis c) shrinkage d) pop-up retailing e) pyramid schemes 37) Carry a narrow assortment of product line with deep assortments within those lines. a) Supermarkets b) Specialty stores c) Convenience stores d) discount stores e) Off-price stores 38) e-commerce is the online exchange between companies and individual consumers. a) B2B b) B2C c) P2P d) C2C e) C2B 39) Why do stores locate in saturated trade areas ? a) To decrease competition b) to access high customer traffic c) to take advantage of tax breaks d) to create retailer cooperatives e) to standardize the service mix 40) Kurt Jeannopolous is looking to locate one of his men’s clothing stores in an area with a growing population but few retail options . Kurt is looking for a(n) trade area. a) Saturated b) overstored c) understored d) primary e) secondary