As a graduate student you will be expected to apply APA Style

As a graduate student you will be expected to apply APA Style to academic papers and other forms ofwriting. This exercise allows you to apply APA Style to both in-text citations and also reference citations.Use the following passage (3 paragraphs) and its list of resources to practice inserting in-text citationsand constructing properly formatted reference citations. The sample passage contains direct quotations paraphrases and summaries. Insert the in-text citations where they are required. Be sure to include theappropriate information for each type of in-text citation. Finally convert the source information below thepassage into properly formatted APA Style reference citations.Include a title page with the proper APA Style formatted information as you did with your essay inUnit I. Then the passage should appear on the second page of your document. Be sure the font style isset to Times New Roman size 12 and double-space the passage. Next insert the correct in-textcitations based on the resources list below. Finally on the last page (a new page) of your document center the word ‘References’ and format the sources in the form of APA Style reference citations. Besure to also double-space your reference citations and use a hanging indent.Here is the passage:Two key advantages of online learning are flexibility and convenience. But online learning is a lot morechallenging than it may seem. So what makes a successful online learner? First the online learner mustmake sure he or she is ready to succeed. Online learning can sound so perfect that some students start withan unrealistic vision. In reality online courses require just as much if not more time and energy astraditional classroom courses. Taking an online course also requires one to have specific computer skillsand learning strategies in order to succeed. Dyer believes the most successful students are both efficient at managing their time and also self-motivated. Particularly in the graduate school setting many students have a lot of things on their plate other thancollege— a part-time (or full-time) job a few kids to take care of or any number of responsibilities. In theirbook Professors’ Guide: Secrets of College Success Jacobs and Hyman suggest to students “to divide upyour week and your day into different and nonoverlapping time.” For example if an online learner works at a job during the day then the online learner will want to schedule study time in the evenings. If on Tuesday and Thursday the online learner’s child has soccer practice in the evening the online learner will not be able to write much of his or her paper on those two days. “The key to success when you have multiple commitments is compartmentalization: keeping each activity separate and not letting one zone bleed into another.” In their study on Predictors for Student Success in an Online Course researchers Yukselturk and Bulut reiterated that “one of the most important components of learning in any educational environment is motivation” and “found it to be one of the best determining factors of student success.” A motivated student could be defined as one who seizes the opportunity to learn or will stick with the class even in the face of adversity. Autonomous self-regulated learners commit to controlling their own learning experiences. Further explained in this study is that some of the ways that self-regulation can be displayed is by seeking help when they lack understanding believing in their own capabilities and organizing the material to be learned.Resources Referred to in the Text Above:Resource #1: Journal ArticleSource Type: Journal ArticleAuthors: Erman Yukselturk and Safure BulutDate of Publication: 2007Article Title: Predictors for Student Success in an Online CourseName of Journal: Educational Technology & SocietyVolume: 10Issue: 2Page Numbers: 71-83Retrieved from: #2: BookSource Type: BookAuthors: Lynn F. Jacobs and Jeremy S. HymanDate of Publication: 2013Book Title: Professors’ Guide: Secrets of College Success (2nd Edition).Publisher: WileyPublished Location: Somerset NJResource #3: Web log (or Blog)Source Type: Web log (or Blog)Author: Kirsti A. DyerDate of Publication: November 8 2009Blog Title: Tips to Become a Successful Online StudentSource URL: