Read an article in a national newspaper

Read an article in a national newspaper (e.g. New York Times Washington Post USA Today Wall Street Journal) about a specific news event. The event should in some way relate to one of the seven global challenges described in this course:populationresource managementtechnologyinformationeconomic integrationconflictgovernanceThen find a report about the same event in another news source. In Discussion Forum 1 post a well-reasoned and thoughtful response to the following discussion questions using the standards of clarity relevance and breadth from “Universal Intellectual Standards” as criteria for your responses. Reply to at least two classmates’ responses by the date indicated in the course Calendar.What are the links to the two news sources you reviewed?What is the subject of these articles and how are they related to one or more of the seven revolutions?How are these two sources similar in the way they reported on this topic?How are these two sources different in the way they reported on this topic?